I didn't really see much that we agreed upon anyhow, but you have confirmed that your opinion of anything R is worthless because they can do nothing that you would approve of, not that they are looking for your approval anyhow.
True, they most definitely aren't looking for my approval. The party as a whole is rotten to the core. Having them in control of the presidency, senate or house is very bad for the country. That's why voting for any Republican is bad for the country even if that Republican is a moderate (that's 'rino' to you). It wasn't always like this, but it is now.
To be fair, I think the dislike for Ryan goes beyond Trumpism. I’m not a Trump fan and I wouldn’t vote for Ryan either. Part of his problem is the idea that he was ineffectual - particularly when a decent segment of the Republican base views the GOP as a party who is a scrappy fighter when in the minority but who doesn’t do anything the base wants when you actually put them in power, the perception that Ryan was speaker when the GOP held the House, Senate, and White House and all we actually managed to get out of those two years was tax cuts isn’t great for him.
Your response is exactly what I expected... Worthless. And awful condescending of you to say an entire political party is rotten to the core. Keep on your colors are proving themselves!!!
Yep, ever since your libbie party went bonkers and opened the libbie pandora box on all things crazy, the pubs didn’t stand idly allowing you to destroy the good parts of the country that remain.
The best part of Haley running is that if she were to win the nomination and then become the first female president, THFSG would be virtually silent as a dozen or more posters here would stroke out and would not have the faculties to peck at their keyboards.
For some reason every time I read one of your posts this candidate for Chair of the Arlington County Board of Supervisors comes to mind.
Don’t worry. Once you come to So Cal in summer and experience true freedom, we will convert you to a libbie too
Some of you guys havent learned yet. To a certain few posters everything right of them... Even one inch... Is a bigoted, hate filled, intolerant wretch that is rotten to the core. There is no nuance. There is no in between. There is no middle ground. Everything even remotely red must be mocked and bullied into silence with all of their cheesy buzz words. So as stated above, their opinion about Haley could not matter less. I'll be honest. I would take a real hard look at her even over RD if she shows some potential to compete. I think she would be a great potus. But I agree with others. This is a coalition. Nikki will try and steal some Trump votes. RD will steal more... And they will agree to form a ticket maybe early enough to still impact the primary season.
Lol @ the snowglobe talking about "crazyland"! That's like noles talking about stupid like it's somewhere else.
Nah. But until the ones a little to the right of me wrench back control from the nut jobs that are leading the GOP now, the whole party bears the stain.
You underestimate the abject hatred that drives the snowglobe, in particular, and the Left in general. Haley would become the devil incarnate to the Left, and they wouldn't even acknowledge that she is a woman. She'd be dubbed the female version of uncle Tom. Ssrah Palin and Condi Rice provide a pre-TDS glimpse into a mild taste of what we could expect.
Well, we think y'all are just as scummy as you think us, so if you want to dispense with any pretextual civility, Im down.
Trump is looking even more unhinged and dems are hoping he wins the nom. I thought they were making a mistake wanting maga candidates for midterms. But they were correct, maga candidates resulted in disappointing repub results during midterms.