Uh oh ChatGPT Creates Polymorphic Malware OpenAI's ChatGPT has reportedly created a new strand of polymorphic malware following text-based interactions with cybersecurity researchers at CyberArk. According to a technical write-up recently shared by the company with Infosecurity, the malware created using ChatGPT could "easily evade security products and make mitigation cumbersome with very little effort or investment by the adversary." The report, written by CyberArk security researchers Eran Shimony and Omer Tsarfati, explains that the first step to creating the malware was to bypass the content filters preventing ChatGPT from creating malicious tools.
It will provide unique answers to repeated requests with the same prompts. It will also allow you to vary the tone and level of the writing. I don't know if it has an option for introducing grammar and spelling errors
I have to give a short speech tomorrow for someone close to me who has assumed elected office. The AI typed out a very thoughtful and well-written speech. Would it be tacky for me to just read that lol?
Done! I did wind up making some changes and additions to add a personal touch, but it's a pretty nice speech and I was able to copy and paste it into Word, make my changes and print it out. Work smarter, not harder.
I just watched a video where a kid, in about 10 minutes, uses this to write the code to an AI stock trading app that makes decisions using a neural network ... it mostly went way over my head but times they are a changin...
This didn’t take long, and probably a good thing; however, I am skeptical that AI can accurately identify if it would write the text and then it becomes an impossible task for the student to defend original writing. https://www.npr.org/2023/01/09/1147549845/gptzero-ai-chatgpt-edward-tian-plagiarism
One well-placed EMP would render today's generation back to the caves. I love tech but I also like a Plan B and today's generation has no Plan B.
Some will, other won’t and those are the ones who will be the leaders or will have better lifestyles than the rest of the herd.
Academic dishonestly is going off the rails. This is troubling. Scores of Stanford students used ChatGPT on final exams “According to the poll, which had 4,497 respondents (though the number may be inflated) and was open from Jan. 9 to Jan. 15, around 17% of Stanford student respondents reported using ChatGPT to assist with their fall quarter assignments and exams. Of those 17%, a majority reported using the AI only for brainstorming and outlining. Only about 5% reported having submitted written material directly from ChatGPT with little to no edits, according to the poll.“
ChatGPT Is Passing the Tests Required for Medical Licenses and Business Degrees ChatGPT, the viral chatbot that has raised concerns from teachers and academics over its ability to cheat on essays and exams, has now passed a Wharton MBA final exam, the United States Medical Licensing Exam, and components of the bar exam. A Wharton Professor conducted a study in which he used OpenAI’s GPT-3, the language model on which ChatGPT is built, to take a final exam of a core MBA course. He concluded that GPT-3 would have received a B to B- on the exam. The professor, Christian Terwiesch, found that GPT-3 performs the best “at basic operations management and process[ing] analysis questions.” For these, the chatbot provided both correct answers and excellent explanations as to why an answer was selected. In the paper’s summary, Tewriesch acknowledged that GPT-3 is by no means perfect. At times the bot made mistakes in simple mathematical calculations and wasn’t able to handle more advanced process analysis questions.
It does highlight the sophistication of the technology, but I assume medical licensing exams and MBA exams are typically not "take-home" tests? The Florida Bar exam certainly was taken on the clock, and in-person, and they were watching us like hawks.
I don’t know why, but I honestly feel like AI and the likes of ChatGPT is an inflection point of our social norms. But then you read MIT technology review, and it is obvious that we are just scratching the surface of a dystopian society of technocrats and the rest of humanity. This latest article I stubbled upon makes my want to throw up. Ethics < cheating for grades and prestige. Dishonor Code: What Happens When Cheating Becomes the Norm?
It’s depressing, and makes me think of the character Dr Susan Calvin (I, Robot the book not the movie) is the future for humanity — a robopsychologist. Why are libertarians totally cool with it? Zero regulation? Will they blame big tech when their jobs go away?
I know my son had most exams on line at UF during 2020-21, none now but he made it sound like they were pretty strict about it being on the up and up. I suppose where there's a will there's a way though.
Good to hear. I am going to start a body-cam business / key stroke log for students to prove they did their own work. Too many false positives and no due process when they are challenged by academic integrity council.