I present for Russian apologists review - Another shining light of Russian might..............the one, the only....the pride of the Imperial Fleet - Admiral Kuznetsov! Admiral Kuznetsov has never been lucky. Launched in 1985, the 60,000-ton vessel has suffered engine breakdowns, multiple fires, and bizarre shipyard accidents. In 2012, it had to be towed to port by a tugboat after losing propulsion off the French coast. Sidelined for overhaul since 2017, Kuznetsov was damaged in 2018 by a falling dockyard crane that left a 200-square-foot hole in its flight deck. This was followed in December 2019 by a major fire that killed at least one person while the ship was under refit in Murmansk. Most recently, a fire in December caused what the Russian government called "minor" damage. Kuznetsov is now in such bad shape that can neither move under its own power nor be towed, for fear that the ship might capsize, according to Ukrainian media
I think you and I can both agree the problem in Mr Zelinsky's mind is the availability of tanks. Let this sink in for a minute if Germany is stating they can't supply tanks until 2024 they are playing the long game and understand their resources are limited period. A lot will happen between now and 2024. Up to this point none of these tanks have been delivered and the debate rages on.
The Aussie open banned Russian and Belarusian flags today after someone put a Russian flag courtside and the Ukrainian ambassador to Australia objected.
Ukraine Update: Ukrainian forces inch closer to Kreminna, a city with actual strategic value Haven't posted in a few days - just a reminder of the current strategy on the ground. Kreminna is the key for Ukraine at this juncture. They want to hold Bakhmut for a lot of reasons - morale, to keep the fighting in one place, etc. But if they can take Kreminna then dominoes start to fall.
no, it's tanks, armored personnel carriers, motorized armor, missiles, anti-missile, drones. there is not single magic bullet. Upgraded Czech T-72's are now coming in, British tanks, armored personnel carriers, and motorized armor are in transit, Polish and other leopards are pending shipment once a bilateral agreement among western countries is agreed to with respect to more tanks, Switzerland is freeing up ammo for reshipment. More longer range himars are in transit. Ukrainians are training on patriots which will be deployed soon. All that is happening now. This reign of missile terror that Russia is committing is only hardening the resolve against them. Russia will lose this war and will be set back decades by it. The Ukranian people, and the Russians being forced to fight, will suffer for it.
In fairness, Russia has very rarely been a naval power (Catherine the Great had some success in the Mediterranean), due to the lack of a warm weather port, which is why Crimea is so important
I guess you're implicitly making the argument that if Ukraine capitulated to Putin at the very beginning of the "special military operation" there would have been very few Ukrainian deaths.
Russia moving hundreds of tanks into theatre while NATO scrambles to provide a couple dozen to Ukraine. Underscores the massive firepower advantage Russia enjoys. Russia destroying Ukraine’s heavy weaponry. Nearly twice over now, reducing Ukraine to mostly dwindling manpower. Manpower vs artillery is the reason for Ukraine’s horrific losses to date.
Hi tampa - Perhaps the saddest Russian Naval tragedy of all time would be the ill fated Battle of Tsushima - May, 1905. (Russia / Japan) Many russian lives were lost, one could almost consider this the height of Russian military and certainly Naval incompetetence. If one reads accounts of this battle / conflict, it's almost inconcievable how ill fated and blatantly ill planned this fiasco was, even by russian standards. Almost wiped out of course. Interesting read.
Thanks gatorhead. I have read a bit about that battle, largely in the context Japan's rise and the fact that European powers were shocked, believing Asians constitutively inferior and thus incapable
Well the Japanese certainly gave the ski's a hard lesson on how to sink an entire Russian fleet with almost zero casulties.
Yes, we should all be so fortunate as to minimize casualties by capitulating to mighty mother russia.
Everybody’s ships and aircraft are vulnerable these days. It’s why Russia has been judicious with its ships in the Black Sea. It’s also why the US Navy isn’t in the Black Sea or anywhere near it. And it’s why the Russian Air Force is cautious, over the battlefield, and also why the US Air Force is not anywhere near Ukraine. If this present conflict has shown us anything, it’s if you really want to weaken a peer or even a near-peer rival, you have to beat them on the ground.
Well, you’ve got upwards of a half million dead, wounded, captured or missing Ukrainians for all your fist-shaking Russians-hating defiance.