I’m sure like many here, we watched with sadness and a dreaded feel of culpability as another Nation’s democracy fell under attack with what looked to be an eerily same pattern as deployed by Trump and his henchman. Well, as it turns out, it is not just ostensibly similar, it is the identical playbook, orchestrated by the identical evil anarchists who scripted the Trumpian January 6 debacle. Steve Bannon has been working to sew the political unrest in Brazilian, using the same modus operandi as he did here. The man needs to be called to Justice, once and for all. How Trump's allies stoked Brazil Congress attack
Brazil's Supreme Court Orders Removal of Brasília Governor After Protests (msn.com) Riot police had forced protesters back out into the streets by nightfall Sunday and some 300 people had been arrested. Tensions remained high in Brasília early Monday, with some supporters of the president saying they expected more protesters to arrive in the capital from other parts of the country. In an order issued in the early hours of Monday, Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes told police to clear the camps and demanded that Ibaneis Rocha, Brasília’s governor and an ally of Mr. Bolsonaro, be removed from his post for the next three months. Mr. Moraes said that the attacks “could only have occurred with the consent, and even active participation, of the competent authorities for public security and intelligence.” .............................. In his first comments after the attack late Sunday, President da Silva accused Brasília’s military police of not acting to contain the protesters, many of whom had marched for more than an hour to get to the presidential palace. He decreed a state of federal intervention in Brasília, an emergency measure through which the federal government temporarily replaces state authorities in charge of public security. Political scientists said the Supreme Court’s decision to remove the governor risked hardening resistance among many Bolsonaro supporters, who have often accused the country’s highest justices of overstepping their role to support Mr. da Silva’s leftist Workers’ Party, which nominated many of their members.
I’m not sure about that. I don’t know the significance of saying that some Republican somewhere may not like it. The question is what does the official party say. Obviously the Supreme Court, which is a Republican political body, does not make public pronouncements. But so far I’ve seen nothing from anyone else in the Republican Party condemning it.
Jan 6 darkest day in American history. Unarmed buffalo horn eccentrics took selfies with Capitol guards and went home after a couple of hours. And noted TV journalists wept outside.
If I was the head of the CIA; Brannon would disappear. Unknown to anyone would be the excruciating death he would receive after being renditioned to some god firesaken state.
Well… 66 percent of republicans want a candidate who is aligned with Trump on the 2020 election. So maybe the word should be most. CBS News poll: Inflation, cooperation and…investigation? Americans on what the new Congress should — and shouldn't — deliver
I wonder if DeSantis will try something stupid and performative. Don't know enough to have an informed opinion. He may need to establish his anti-democracy, authoritarian bona fides even more
He checked himself into the hospital today based on an injury from 2018. Timing seems a tad bit suspect, although he has apparently been hospitalized occasionally. Brazil's Bolsonaro hospitalized in the U.S. with abdominal pain - report
Looks like he is taking up residency in Kissimmee As Brazil reels from riots, Bolsonaro finds home in Florida
Steve Bannon has spent months falsely saying the Brazilian election was stolen https://www.mediamatters.org/steve-...-falsely-saying-brazilian-election-was-stolen