Much as they try to keep a lid on things, the truth leaks out on occasion ... What is happening in the battle of Bakhmut? The news we are receiving is of the death of very many people. Yes, we have to look to the Donbas because Bakhmut is precisely the blackest point of the war in Ukraine. This week, both the Institute for the Study of War, which is a prestigious American think tank, and other international thin tanks, have agreed that up to 400 Ukrainian soldiers a day are being killed and wounded in Bakhmut. And beyond the number, which is just a figure, I have been able to talk in recent days with different military sources, both official and combatants who have been there, and what they say makes one’s hair stand on end. The city is for the moment under Ukrainian control, but the Russian troops have stationed their artillery close enough to fire there, but far enough away so as not to expose their troops too much. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian army, as it has to defend the terrain, has a lot of infantry, light units, paramilitary units that can do little against the bombs. This combat front has become today a real human meat grinder. That’s how crude I can say it. Right now it is one of the most, if not the most, worrying point for Zelenski’s armed forces. Our listeners are probably wondering what is the importance of Bakhmut to take such a commitment to defend the position with such a very high cost of living. Bakhmut is not an iconic city like Severodonetsk was, where one of the great battles of this war also took place. Bakhmut is not that kind of iconic city. However, it is a communications hub that is key to the supply lines of Ukrainian troops in Donetsk province, and it is also the buffer that contains the advance of Kremlin troops towards Sloviansk and Kramatorsk. If the Russian Army were to take these two cities, it would gain almost total control of the Donetsk province and, therefore, of the entire Donbas, something that Putin could already sell as a great victory. So you can imagine the effort that the Kremlin is putting right now in taking Bakhmut and what it is costing the Ukrainians to defend it. Maria Senovilla: "Bakhmut is the blackest point of the Ukrainian war. Up to 400 Ukrainian soldiers a day are being killed"
the existing volume of these and the ability to self paint incoming targets make this a big deal. wish these would have been in place 6 months ago, a lot of electricity would still be on. let these handle cruise missiles and the german anti-aircraft machine gunners handle the drones. it will provide good feedback on operational abilities to intercept russian cruise missiles
Sobering parallels between the Fall of Rome and today’s America ... Down the stretch, Rome’s military was a pale shadow of its former glory, so the government drained the imperial treasury to pay foreign proxies to fight for the empire. But if anything good comes out of this latest American proxy war, perhaps no other country will sacrifice itself for the US when they see the total destruction of Ukraine. Taiwan take note ?
I know. There is also a rumor that Putin is going to bring in 500,000 additional Russians to string up decorations for the Grand Victory Parade in Kiev. Russia plans to mobilize 500,000 soldiers in days. If they don't deliver victory, then 'Putin will collapse,' says Ukrainian spy chief. I would be surprised to see this, actually. Putin's political base in and around Moscow was very much protected from conscription the first time around. Putin would be taking a very big risk by reaching deep into his own back yard for draftees. The locals will be very unhappy with this, and protests might start in Moscow, leading to assassination attempts and a possible coup. Of course, Ukraine might be floating this out there to create panic among the Russians to get a mass exodus of Russians from Moscow, maybe empty the city out a little.
Well, it isn’t much smarter creating an army that sized made exclusively from people of questionable loyalty. What’s to stop them from marching north instead of east?
“says Ukrainian spy chief” Russians are so against this war that something like 100 State Duma officials have enlisted and are now on the frontlines. That’s 100 more than our Congressmen who’ve enlisted to go to war against Russia instead of just cheerleading Ukraine from 3,000 miles away.
Perfect time to evacuate civilians and Army and gas those bastards once they get far enough into Ukraine. No one cares about the Russian soldiers abducting, killing, raping, and stealing, so why would they care about a little gas?
Months ago Zelensky fired the official who propagated the Russian rape narrative. Apparently, some lies are too outlandish even for Ukraine.
Dugger, if you’re responding to me, no need. I have you on ignore and can’t see and don’t want to see your post. I only see your name pop up.
Ukraine update: Free the leopards! Western tanks could be headed for Ukraine in serious numbers Things rough around bakhmut again - to the north this time. Weird that Russia sent a huge attack during a cease fire… ukraine needs those western tanks asap.
I think that tanks are like aircraft in that training to operate them and maintain them is very extensive. The Bradley fighting vehicles should be helpful in that they have the ability to kill tanks on the battlefield, and they are relatively simple to operate and maintain compared to tanks. You are surprised that Russia did not keep its word during a cease fire (or do I detect sarcasm )?
Much like aircraft, I think the idea is that you would only train experienced tankers on the new tanks. I’m a career military helicopter pilot, but I know absolutely nothing about flying a Havoc or any other kind of Russian helicopter. I couldn’t even start one if I wanted to. However, I believe the principles are similar enough that if you gave me a couple of weeks of intense instruction I could be as proficient with one of theirs as I am with one of ours. I would bet an experienced T72 tanker could likewise pick up driving and fighting a NATO tank with the right instruction. The Bradley does have an anti-tank capability, but it’s important to remember that it’s not the same thing as a tank, particularly in terms of armor. An infantry fighting vehicle’s value is in its ability to deliver troops to that last 100 or so yards of a fight and provide more firepower than the infantry could alone. But you still need tanks right there with IFVs.
fwiw My best friend growing up brother (James Shirley) got shot down in Nam while flying a cobra. He was super lucky as his injury’s were minor. He was back flying combat as soon as he healed and was psychologically cleared. That’s the story I got from my buddy many moons ago. Thanks for your service.
To the notion that Russian air defenses are powerless to stop Israel in Syria: actually it does ... Israel is walking a tightrope, between US and Russia and has a mutual understanding with the latter in Syria. Basically, Russia allows Israel to operate, from outside of Syrian airspace, and allows pinprick strikes against Iran-backed Hezbollah positions. Reportedly, Israel transgressed, on a single occasion, and a Russian S-400 turned on and ‘pinged’ the Israeli aircraft. Note: yes, geopolitics can be cynical.
It’s almost like the US wants Ukrainians to die ... Opinion | The Army spent $22B and 17 years on an armored vehicle but still has no prototype
Russia’s “revenge” attack plays out like much of its war effort as a whole: No sign of casualties after Russia claims revenge attack on Ukrainian soldiers