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Coronavirus in the United States - news and thoughts

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by GatorNorth, Feb 25, 2020.

  1. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    You are not very good at analyzing. But cute in your attempt to do the same thing cypress is doing. You and he can continue to ignore the data and believe what you wish.
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  2. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Yeah, it isn't like you would ignore data that is inconvenient and then keep repeating the same talking points over and over and over and over and over and over....etc.

    Also, 82% of doctors agree with the CDC. Let me know when you want to talk about that data.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2023
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  3. Tjgators

    Tjgators Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
  4. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    82% of doctors agree with the CDC.

    18% of doctors learning how to code.
  5. BigCypressGator1981

    BigCypressGator1981 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 11, 2011
    Wrong again. It is you who is ignoring the data in favor of a few YouTube quacks who tell you what you want to hear. 82% of doctors still recommend the vaccine. Your doctor is in the minority. Deal with it. Or keep melting.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  6. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    82% of soldiers agree with killing for the state.

    18% of soldiers preparing for court martial.
  7. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    No reason with you are you also ignore the fact this disease was not and is not dangerous to most. Something we have known from the beginning. You want to ignore natural immunity. You are not concerned about the zero randomized trials to try and understand this disease once it was under control. You are going to be in your full circle jerk like you always are.

    I was in full agreement with @duchen when they made insinuated we need to know about whether it is Covid/shot/Covid and shot/Covid and boosters as to why we are seeing the issues we are. It is mind boggling that we have yet to see the cdc actually put money into studies about these kind of questions.

    But you do you. I would expect nothing less.
  8. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    No. The numbers speak. A survey that does not represent reality is how people believe things like you do now. The propaganda is strong.

    The cdc provided you reality. But you want to believe a survey.
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1
  9. BigCypressGator1981

    BigCypressGator1981 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 11, 2011
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    Which winter was the senile fart babbling about ? Is it coming soon ?

  11. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Wow, that is quite the selection of your usual talking points and words that you heard in Youtube videos but clearly don't understand. Let's go through the post line by line.

    There is not falsifiable definition of "dangerous." There is an age component (which you ignore when convenient and stress when convenient) in terms of disease severity and death rate. However, there is a possibility of death for all ages. "Not dangerous" is just your talking point. I am more than happy to discuss actual age stratification of death rates or severe illness rates (using numbers, not your empty talking points).

    Natural immunity exists for a period of time and then wanes like vaccine-induced immunity does. I didn't ignore it at all.

    Lol, what? This is like when children use words they don't understand. Randomized trials are not to "understand this disease." That is the work of observational studies of a variety of forms. Randomized trials are to test interventions. Randomization occurs when you give treatments to a person and not to another person based upon random assignment of the two participants/subjects to the two conditions. There have been tons of RCTs on different interventions, both pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical. If you are going to request research, you should probably know what you are actually asking for first (including knowing what a randomized trial is and how to design one and what is use is, which you clearly don't).

    You don't know what a circle jerk is do you (hint, a single person can't do it)? I suggest you google it. Should be fun for you. Again, somebody said a pair of words, and you thought it sounded good without even knowing what it means. Its cute when small children do it. Less so when supposed adults do.

    Try English and maybe I can dig through this and find you studies on the topic.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  12. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    Yep. Same old response from someone who just believes what they are told by the msm.
  13. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    Imagine being a preacher and having to believe the Bible ...
  14. dangolegators

    dangolegators GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 26, 2007
    Yeah he doesn't understand this stuff. Doesn't know what a randomized study is. Not only that, there have been tons of observational studies that show vaccination greatly reduces the risk of severe covid, hospitalization and death. He ignores these studies, pretends like they don't exist.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 1
  15. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    You are not interested in the facts on this from what I have seen. I could be wrong but my perception is you are far more concerned with your political side than anything. You are too smart and intellectual for that not be the driving factor if you ask me.

    You know this disease is not dangerous to a young healthy person (known from the beginning). You know we rushed a drug to market. I actually support and think it was the right thing to rush these drugs to market and cut the corners we did to make it happen. But with that it should have been done for those what were are high risk (not an entire population). And then we should have spent the time and money to make sure the corners cut made sense. We screwed up big time with the roll out. And it should be really concerning to someone like you who has a very high intellect that we are not trying to answer the questions but instead continue to push these drugs on people who do not need them.

    I hope you will back off the political side of this and actually look at the data and how we should proceed to better public health.
  16. duggers_dad

    duggers_dad GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 5, 2022
    There are no studies that show that unicorn repellent keeps unicorns off your lawn.
    • Like Like x 1
  17. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009

    I am sure you believe your shots were why you only got knocked out by Covid (you were the one who said it kicked your tail).
  18. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010

    Run to the talking point! Don't discuss the actual data as was offered.

    "Rushed" after running properly powered RCTs showing positive effects of the vaccine that outweighed risks and as certified by a whole set of experts in the field (which you are not, it should be noted).

    Purely empty talking points again. Speak in specifics if you want to discuss actual issues with research. What specific "corners" being cut are you discussing?

    You haven't asked a single question here. I'm happy to look for answers to any actual specific research questions that you have.

    • Agree Agree x 1
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  19. flgator2

    flgator2 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Boosted Worse Off Than Vaccinated in Many States, Data Show (theepochtimes.com)

    People in the United States who have received COVID-19 boosters in many states are more likely than those who have gotten just a primary series to get infected, receive hospital care, and die, according to an Epoch Times investigation

    Cases, hospitalizations, and deaths among the boosted have been increasing since the booster shots were first introduced in 2021. The boosters were promoted as bolstering protection against adverse outcomes. But, compared to the vaccinated who have not received any boosters, boosted people are testing positive, being hospitalized, and dying at higher levels in many states, according to the review, which went over data in the first two quarters of 2022.

    The data dovetails with a growing body of research that has detected negative vaccine effectiveness after a period of time and a higher likelihood of getting infected among people with more doses.
  20. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    Expected response.

    Hopefully one day you will ask questions. Science. There is no way a young healthy kid/teen/young adult should take one of these drugs. No matter how many times the cdc recommends it. At this point there really is no need for anyone to take these drugs (don't worry...you will get your annual schedule soon).

    Unfortunately there are enough like you that I am confident are so set in their ways that we will not let science answer the questions. I hope I am wrong.

    ***and I will be happy to acknowledge when I am wrong...this disease was worse than I thought it would be***
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1