Very sorry to hear about your loss, Bill. Sending sincerest wishes that you get the comfort and support necessary to persevere through this. God Bless!
sorry for the sad news, I now if the role was reversed I woud be devastated will keep you in my thoughts and prayers my longtime friend
So sorry for your loss. I hope that with time the many good memories from your long time together will bring some inner comfort and help ease your grief. This really hits home for me since my wife has had some serious health issues over the last year and a half. Blessed to still have her and so hard to even imagine losing her. Prayers up for you Bill during this difficult time.
So sorry for your loss,my wife and I will be 30 years next month.I can't imagine losing her,and the sense of loss you are going through. God bless you.
So sorry for your loss Bill. Been married for 31 years, everyday I appreciate that my wife is a pillar of strength and support for me throughout our time together. My sympathy is with you. I hope you can find some comfort through your family and friends this Christmas.