It's almost as if the rest of the world wants Russia to lose this war more than they want to show their middle finger to the U.S. Who knew? O.k., everybody other than our comrade knew that, but who else knew? I bet eskimos without internet didn't know that.
*madly googling for dirt on MacGregor* Ukraine’s hospitals and morgues are filled to capacity with wounded and dying Ukrainian soldiers. Washington’s proxy in Kiev has squandered its human capital and considerable Western aid in a series of self-defeating counter-offensives. Ukrainian soldiers manning the defensive lines facing Russian soldiers in Southern Ukraine are brave men, but they are not fools. The Spartans at Thermopylae were brave, and they still died.
On Russia's side of the war, it takes TWO COUNTRIES' hospitals and morgues to handle the wounded and dead (Russia has persuaded Belarus to handle much of the carnage of Putin's war). Also, Russia intentionally leaves its dead and dying soldiers on the field so they don't have to pay the widows and families. The Spartans at Thermopylae did not have HIMARS rocket systems.
If someone is citing Thermopylae as what is happening to the Ukrainians, then they might want to read the next two chapters of that book about what happened to the invading force at Salamis and Plataea. Spoiler Alert: the Texas Revolution did not end at the Alamo either.
Meduza is a media group founded by the virulently anti-Putin Pussy Riot and is likely funded by an anti-Putin oligarch. Notice that they spitball “true casualties likely much higher”, undoubtedly because they cannot verify higher casualties. *Note that certain pro-Russian observers spitball Ukrainian casualties in the 400,000 range. I discount those too. And while I take the daily Russian MOD reports with a grain of salt, I am inclined to go with Shoigu’s figures of Sept 21 with just under 62k KIA for Ukraine and just under 6k for Russia. Given how bloody it’s gotten since that time, especially based on reports coming out of Bakhmut, I could see +100k dead for Ukraine ... BBC and Mediazona confirm 10,000 Russian soldiers dead in Ukraine — Meduza
The position of some conservatives on the Ukraine-russia issue is so bonkers to me. They are essentially saying a Russian invasion of a recognized European nation is somehow entirely the US's fault. And then, beyond that, the best way to manage the invasion is the unconditional surrender of the invaded. if Russia had used similar logic in Vietnam the us would have smote the poorly equipped north Vietnamese. By providing military aid to a force the us was massacring at a rate of almost 20-1 they were able to turn sure defeat into a north Vietnamese victory and it certainly didn’t lead to nuclear war. so yeah I find the whole argument stupid frankly.
those are just confirmed kills. Note they also say: BBC notes that, by the most conservative estimates, the real number of Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine may exceed 20,000, and the total number of irretrievable losses could be as high as 90,000. and then also In late November, publication Important Stories reported that Russian authorities expect 100,000 killed and wounded by spring among mobilized soldiers alone. According to Meduza’s sources, they will be replaced by conscripts. But you know- keep cherry picking if it makes you feel better about the motherlands great army getting liquidated.
People have been saying its unimportant other than a place for pinning down Wagner and killing Russians for WEEKS
Right... so just to be clear - you are spittballing 400k dead ukrainians and 6k dead russians. You are definitely the smartest guy on here...
No, you’re reading what you want to read. IMO, 400k Ukrainians are likely an exaggeration just like 90k Russians are likely an exaggeration. But no matter. Whether 90k vs 400k or 10k vs 100k ... who’s winning ?
Dude, if anyone is reading into this what they want - it is definitely you. Pro-russians saying anything at this point is ridiculous. They are exaggerating at levels of magnitude that dwarf any of ukraine's exaggerations. I mean, taking anything directly from either country at this point is useless, but especially anything pro-russian.
And I’m almost certain that precisely the opposite is occurring. In my corner: retired US generals and colonels and Zelensky and Zaluzhny.