This is fascinating. I always felt that if a brain dead patient were to have oxygen pumped through their body that we might one day be able to bring them back somehow. The problem has always been those people that have died and have not been breathing, and therefore had no oxygen to there brain for too long, in that process killing too many brain cells to recover. But this is till promising for those people that die in a hospital and can get immediate care or oxygen to the body/brain. Far too often these people in the past have been left to just die. This is all fascinating to me. Thank you for posting this, Chem.
Who’s defending trump? Not I. We’ve gotten to where we just settle for the leader of the free world depending on “yay team”. Rinse and repeat. Yay team
Why do people think the recently deceased would want to be resuscitated? People die from myriad causes, but every death occurs when the body can no longer sustain life due to wounds or disease. Whatever the cause, the revitalizing of a body would require extensive repair or other medical treatment, prolonging any suffering endured by the deceased before his or her demise. Life has a curious, paradoxical nature. It is simultaneously both tenacious and tenuous. Though I'm thankful for the number of years I have been allotted, the last few have been difficult at times. There are days I am amazed I am still here, left wondering how much more I can endure before the proverbial silver cord sustaining the life in my body breaks. I know the end of my time on earth will arrive sooner rather than later and I'm good with that. We need to be recycled vacating our place and time, making way for generations yet to come. Revitalizing the earth.
I could see someone who dies suddenly, from a heart attack or similar, may wish to be revived if there were a way to do so. But your point about immortality is valid. If we all live forever then we have other problems.
Disease and damage occurs in lives of all ages. Take a kid age 4 who trips and falls into a fire, sustaining 3rd degree burns over 75 or 80 percent of his body. Would you want to restore life a child to suffer through the months or years it would take to return him to a semblence of normalcy. With children, there are obviously exceptions. But overall, I think it a bad idea.
I think science like this will be created/invented eventually by someone or some other country. Science is everywhere and research in not the sole propriety of our morality nor our sensibilities. It will be invented whether we want it or not. This new medical procedure might not be a good idea for some people, but why not invent it first just in case we find a good reason to use it. What I think is irrelevant and maybe even in today's world it's not needed, but who's to say in 20 or 20 years from now what might come from it. There may be instances that we have not yet even thought of where this procedure can save innocent lives. And for every reason you can think of this as a bad idea there may be reasons to reconsider.
Someone told me with new medical advances many of us can live to or past 100 years. My reply was “what if I don’t want to”. My Christian faith/beliefs has me very at ease with my passing. The only thing I “slightly” worry about is the possibility of the pain I may suffer at the end. To me, this life is only the beginning of my spiritual life, one that I believe will go on forever. To those that want to live in these physical bodies for an extended or forever time,,,,, Go for it. Only the rich like Trump will be able to afford it.
More on brain activity on the nearly-dead. Scientists think a surge in brain activity just before death may explain near-death experiences. Scientists saw a surge in brain activity in dying patients that could finally help explain mysterious near-death experiences The other two were Tucker Carlson fans.
This kid couldn't wait for new medical procedures, so he just cheated death the hard way. He was on life support and his heart stopped beating. The doctors tried everything they knew to get his heart re-started, but could not, so they gave up. Nineteen hours later, his heart re-started itself. Parents of boy whose heart stopped for 19 hours were stunned when it started beating again
I read the article. The headline is a bit misleading. They kept his heart beating and there is no information on whether or not any brain function continued but it is a near miraculous event. There is nothing in the lay medical report (news report) from a medical professional. That kid sure was lucky though. Or so unlucky depending on your point of view. I am going to make a wild guess here. The boys heart was damaged and they put him on bypass and waited for the antibiotics to work. Now I sound like one of the people who say I was never brain dead but I was just misdiagnosed. lol