this will sound bad… but the confirmed equipment losses posted by more unbiased sites is the real staggering figure. Real estimates suggest Russia has lost half their main battle tanks. That’s nuts.
Putin plans to send musicians and circus performers to Ukraine frontlines to boost morale Vladimir Putin to send musicians and circus performers to frontlines The news comes one day after a senior Russian military figure seemed to accidentally reveal that the conscription time for Russian soldiers would double. Lieutenant Colonel Mikhail Fotina said in an interview on Russian TV that there were plans to “lengthen the period of conscription for young men from one to two years”. He added that “those conscripted in autumn 2023 will serve two years". The interview was quickly removed from television, and Russia has made no official announcement on the issue.
I think we are on the verge of a real turnaround for Russian forces. Nothing inspires fanatical will to fight like a circus performance. I hope Ukraine has its own answer to this because the West is using every single one of its clowns and has not a single clown to spare at this critical moment.
What does it matter? 1 year, 2 years, whatever... Seems most don't last a month before getting chewed up.
Sounds like Russia will be hitting up FSU for some help. Clowns and musicians. Now I know my hate for FSU is justified.
I thought that you would have said Russia rather than Ukraine since your favorite country was banned from participating in the 2022 World Cup by FIFA. Russia’s Team Got Banned. How Are Russian Fans Enjoying This World Cup?
Claims of stupendous Russian losses are pure projection. To the contrary, Ukraine was one of the best equipped militaries in the world. And based on Zaluzhnyi’s recent remarks, is in the process of being destroyed twice-over. Nothing screams "we are winning" like constant demands for more tanks, planes, artillery, missiles, air defense and seven and counting conscription. Ukraine military ranked going in ... Amid the threat of a Russian invasion, how capable is Ukraine’s military?
Nice clip of how the Ukrainian's are responding to the drones. Like the economics of this solution a lot too. Shoot down $20k drones w/ maybe $1k ammo.
But poster assured us that the Russians were taking Bakhmut ,,,,, every single day for the past two weeks. oops ! lol Russian Gen. gave up the south to move troops, material to Bahkmut and really needs to overtake it before he trips off a 7 story balcony. LOL.
Man, you really don’t already know the sick burn you’re going to get in response to that one? Well, let me take a stab at it: (scoffs) “Why should Russia bother to take Bakhmut when the Ukrainians keep offering themselves up for sacrifice by running into Russian bullets and dying in the millions. If Russia hasn’t taken Bakhmut, it’s because they don’t want to yet. When the entire Ukrainian army has abandoned all other positions, lined up, and died in suicidal attacks at Bakhmut, then the Russians can just walk into the rest of Little Russia and help themselves to all that free U.S. military stuff, shoddy and worthless though it may be. We mock what we don’t understand.”
this guy took out a cruise missile with a machine gun. lucky shot or concerted effort? still seems like there could be a focused emp to take these thigns out, guess it is tech waiting to happen Ukrainian soldier downs Russian missile with nothing but a machine gun | Metro News