of all the “questionable” takes you’ve had this is maybe the most laughable in a long thread of comedic interpretations.
That’s something like 85% of the global population. *shrugs shoulders* This is the world saying no to the reigning global bully Murca.
Another great victory for Russia! A Russian T-90 tank heroically takes out a national guard checkpoint! A Russian tank unit deliberately attacked another Russian position in Ukraine, report says, illustrating vicious rivalries within Putin's army It would have been an even bigger victory, if the national guard checkpoint had been Ukrainian, and not Russian. The Russian national guard is not considered part of the Russian military, and reports directly to Putin. If you are keeping track, that's one less report going to Putin. Apparently, there was an argument between the army unit and the national guard unit, and the traditional way to resolve arguments in Russia is for each side to send out their biggest weapon and fire it. We can only hope that the national guard will not take this lying down, and destroy as many Russian tanks as possible to be sure they got the right one. Obviously, it's more interesting for Russian drone operators to keep tabs on what the other Russian units are doing versus what the Ukrainians are doing. Nice work, Russia! Keep it up!
The world isn’t pro Russia or pro west. That’s why the take is dumb. It’s pro self interest. If that means cheap discounted energy from Russia, eh who cares about Ukraine. Places like Brazil, just as one example, have their own problems and Russian aggression is unlikely to ever be high on the list. What’s actually happened is you have countries like India playing both sides and praying the war ends soon so they don’t have to make difficult choices. That’s why both India and China have put more pressure on Russia recently to end the war. It’s costing everyone money. And money still rules all.
Derp again. Poster missed that no one believes anything he posts especially with no link ( as proven above). Be better. Sigh
Putin has been reduced to telling lies to children. Russian adults won't listen to his lies. He came up with a series of fairy tale stories for children that vaguely refers to Ukraine and how nations treat each other in his alleged or imaginary "world view". Putin tells Russian children that "changes in Russian Federation and world are for better" Apparently, some nations are more equal than others in his mind.
Ukraine Update: Bakhmut holds, and that shouldn't be a surprise Weird - wasn't Bakhmut going to just basically capitulate last week?
Don't let our comrade read this! Ukraine is using his patented Russian "trade land for enemy bodies" warfare system. Only Russians are allowed to do this! Ukraine must stop using Russia's inventions or Putin will hire lawyer and make them stop! Only Russians could be smart enough to figure out these tactics! This must be fake news!
Ukraine has new numbers out on the number of Russian casualties. They are claiming almost 98,000 killed. They are also claiming about 3k tanks, 6k armored vehicles, 2k artillery systems, and 4.5k fuel trucks. Nearly 98,000 Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine thus far
The number is likely overblown. But even so, the US lost 58k in over a decade in Vietnam. They have likely already passed that. And in modern warfare with drones, cruise missiles, aircraft etc, for a supposedly powerful country to lose anything remotely close to that is staggering.