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Gary Langford, SoS, and the Heisman trophy

Discussion in 'RayGator's Swamp Gas' started by gatordavisl, Dec 10, 2022.

  1. Gatorborn

    Gatorborn GC Legend

    Jul 11, 2014
    South Carolina
    He did multi level versions of all of those arrangements from beginner to college level. That same idea was picked up by former Gator Bone - Chris Sharp
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  2. Gatorborn

    Gatorborn GC Legend

    Jul 11, 2014
    South Carolina
    I wonder if he regrets that Dr. Beat video...lol

    Wygator, when was that jazz festival in Casper?
  3. Skink

    Skink GC Hall of Fame

    Here you go buddy
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  4. gatordavisl

    gatordavisl VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    northern MN
    That's a very nice share, thanks! I haven't dug into Mulgrew Miller and this was a beautiful performance. The tune is a bluesy bossa nova and there's something infectious/drawing in the 16-bar form. As for Mulgrew Miller the pianist, his playing is tasty throughout and he crafted his solo super fresh. I think it was the third chorus when he went all rippin' and showed he can do that, too. Beautiful, thanks again. :)
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  5. Skink

    Skink GC Hall of Fame

    Wow what a review of that piece Davis! Thanks! I got turned onto Mulgrew Miller probably 15 years ago listening to the jazz channel on satellite radio. Bought his Live at Yoshi’s CD and have loved his music from that point forward.
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  6. wygator

    wygator GC Hall of Fame

    Mar 31, 2010
    Casper College hosts an annual jazz festival and brings in an artist/clinician each year. Victor was here ten or more years ago.
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  7. paindoc

    paindoc Freshman

    Sep 28, 2018
    I was a premed student working full time when I auditioned for Dr Langford each trimester. I had passed on an opportunity to attend Eastman School of Music , opting to attend UF.
    I was told Gary came from North Texas State, rated at that time ( mid-70’s) the # 1 jazz program in the country. Unfortunately for me his primary instrument was trumpet , as was mine. After two notes he interrupted and said” didn’t practice much this summer”. I was privileged to be #1 trumpet in the second jazz band ( he had 5). The #1 band traveled to Europe and performed some of Gary’s arrangements; usually some Maynard Ferguson . His arrangement were brilliant and incredibly difficult . He had an ear like no one I have ever seen and was a perfectionist. He would stop a live session and pick out one note from one individual that was off. A savant of the jazz world , the best I have had the privilege of studying under.
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  8. Gatorborn

    Gatorborn GC Legend

    Jul 11, 2014
    South Carolina
    I was a Gainesville native from birth till graduating from UF. One time between semesters I was sitting on the bricks at the music building with a couple of other guys that stuck around. I look up and here comes this skinny guy with shoulder length hair. He walks up and says "is Gary Langford around?" I told him that Gary had gone to lunch but would probably be back in about a half hour. He asked if the jazz band was rehearsing that day because he'd like to sit in. I told him they wouldn't be together again till the next semester started. He said "okay tell Gary I dropped by, my name is" before he could finish I said " yeah, you're Jaco Pastorius" (I was a bit of a Weather Report fan). He smiled shook my hand and wandered off
    • Wish I would have said that Wish I would have said that x 1
  9. gatordavisl

    gatordavisl VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    northern MN
    One day I was warming up in MUB 101 and this stocky guy with a mustache bursts in the rm asking "is Gary Langford around?" I told him that Gary was grabbing lunch at the Copper Monkey. He asked if GL would be back soon, because he had plans for competition. I told him Gary was prepping for the FoJ concert and wouldn't be available to compete for months. He said "ok tell Gary I'm ready any time, my name is" before he could finish I said "yeah, you're Ditka and I'll take GL over Ditka any day." He sneered and wandered off.
  10. Gatorborn

    Gatorborn GC Legend

    Jul 11, 2014
    South Carolina
    Ouch, that hurt...lol.

    Sorry, but my story is true. The world is small, the music world is smaller, and the jazz world is smaller still.
    Remember that this would have happened when Gary had established UF Jazz Band 1 as a substantial group and not long after Jaco and Pat Metheny were both teaching at Miami (the dean of their music department got on a great kick of hiring some instructors based on talent and accomplishments).

    I was also marching the year we went to the Bluebonnet Bowl (same year as UGA's last championship, till last year :mad:). On the way back we stopped at the Superdome and played the halftime show for a Saints - Rams game. Al Hirt (at the time he was a partial owner of the Saints) came up in the stands to talk to Gary. (I didn't get to talk to Al Hirt).

    Guess what I'm saying is that if you are lucky enough to hang around Gary very much, you'll meet all kinds of interesting people.
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  11. Gatorborn

    Gatorborn GC Legend

    Jul 11, 2014
    South Carolina
    My Aunt and Uncle (he just passed away) met at Eastman. If you were accepted there you had to have been very good.

    When were you at UF?

    Some friends talked me into jazz band, I think I was in JB 4, and that was only because they were running out of trombone players. We were awful!:cool:
  12. gatordavisl

    gatordavisl VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    northern MN
    Thanks for the measured response. Hopefully you can understand why another jazz musician would raise an eyebrow at your story. I came into the UF music program on the heels of the hay days that you describe. Made the top jazz band as a freshman, which angered some of the upperclassmen. After a masters at North Texas (it changed to UNT from NTS before I attended), I taught school. Like Gary, I played in the One o' Clock Lab Band, which made our bond stronger. After teaching school for several years, I returned to UF for a doctoral degree and then served on the music faculty for three years. During that time, I played in the band and directed the second band.

    I don't remember all the jazz stars I got to meet and play with during those years, but like you say, hang around GL long enough and you will meet some rock star musicians. We had Bobby Shew a couple times, Vince DiMartino, Bob Mintzer, Ed Calle, etc. At UNT we met musicians like that just about every week. The list of guest artists with the two and one o clock bands was crazy. Ran into Chick Corea during a tour at the Tokyo airport. He chatted with our director, Neil Slater, while all of us stood around and gawked.

    At any rate, thanks for the story and sorry that I doubted it. Chance encounters can be remarkable.
  13. bobroberts

    bobroberts VIP Member

    Oct 20, 2008
    central Illinois
    Wow! I never expected to read about Gary Langford on this board, but I couldn't agree more with the OP. I was fortunate enough to be in Gary's Jazz Band 78 through 83 and in the marching band in 78 & 79. There is a lot I could say, but suffice to say that Gary is great and I owe him a lot. I also have to mention Frank Wickes who was my sax teacher my first two years before he went to LSU. I'm very grateful to them both.
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  14. gatordavisl

    gatordavisl VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    northern MN
    Nice - a C# reference. We were together for doc school. Played many a gig with Chris and had many a hang. Watched him write horn parts for a church gig we were playing. He was typing music like you or I would type prose. He's a fantastic writer with an extraordinary ear.
  15. Gatorborn

    Gatorborn GC Legend

    Jul 11, 2014
    South Carolina
    So many C# stories I can't tell, but one of my favorites that shows how jazz focused he was.

    I came walking out of the music library and Chris comes over and says "I just heard the craziest thing, James Taylor wrote words to that Maynard Ferguson chart Country Road". I actually had to explain the order of events to Chris...lol