Yes, I am a pirate, two hundred years too late The cannons don't thunder, there's nothin' to plunder I'm an over-forty victim of fate Arriving too late, arriving too late
This is one of my favorites, mainly because it’s one of the rare times Mike is not talking. He could’ve went over and kicked them down, or pushed/slung them or instructed someone to do it. Instead he calmly walks over and systematically goes along and folds the chairs and drops them in place. Then as he walks off, staffers scurry to set them back up.
Very saddening and sobering day. He was a great offensive mind and obvious great person with all of the kinds words we've seen pouring in from the CFB world and beyond. RIP to Coach Leach and condolences to his family, friends, and those players and others who he reached throughout his life.
Condolences to his family. This is a very hard time of the year for a death of a loved one. You grieve every year from now on and it casts a pall over the holidays. Mike would say learn from this - take nothing for granted, live life to the fullest, for none know the day of their passing.
Certainly sending thoughts and prayers to his family. Cannot imagine what they are going through. Incredible decision by the players and staff to play their bowl game in honor of Coach Leach! #HailState
I bet Leach is having a conversation with God right now about why candy corn sucks and gummy bears are great, and why nobody should get married and just elope, and what kind of mythical powers a sun devil has. Man, I'm going to miss this guy so much.
Coach Leach put the SEC into chaos. I didn’t believe he would find ways to beat the big boys, but they came down and it rearranged the order every media person had for the west. Tough times for the family, my prayers for them!