Strange way to show force then. We don't have enough troops to capture your capital city, but you should negotiate with us because of our show of force and we are going to throw troops at it?
The good news (for Russia) is that Russia killed 21 more soldiers overnight. The bad news is that they were Russian soldiers, from the criminal battalion, who made an escape attempt, and had to be rounded up and gunned down. Seems that Russia is hampered by having to fight two wars, one against Ukraine, and one against Russians who don't want to be fighting Ukraine. Must be hard to be a barbarian these days. Armed convicts escape Russian army, only to be killed by their own Ukraines General Staff
I suggest a contest that starts with "We don't have enough troops to capture your capital, but..." I'll go first. "We don't have enough troops to capture your capital, but we do have enough troops to eat all of your ice cream. Will you surrender?"
No, and neither did the Russians. I see this over and over again, assigning arbitrary goals to Russians. Then, when they don’t materialize, declare Russian incompetence.
I utilized your theorized goal. Show of force to make them negotiate. How does invading with a force that you are claiming is far too small to capture the capital pursue that goal?
Strange that the show of force that you just argued was laughably unable to actually threaten the capital city didn't create more urgency.
There you go again with your straw man. If I am right in my assumption, the laughable thing is that the West and Zelensky thought it would be a good thing, for Ukraine, to throw a generation of its men into the meat grinder when an agreement appeared to have been within reach.
Lots of optimism and hope in there. But lots of truth, too. Ukraine shocked the world in 2022. Will it win the war in 2023?
Not bad, but you're supposed to write it like this: "We don't have enough troops to capture your capital, but we do have enough troops to eat all of your zoo animals. Will you surrender?"
You mean, an agreement to be enslaved? Or to turn over four of the 25 provinces to be enslaved to Russia? Maybe Ukraine didn't like either of those agreements. Maybe if your options were fighting to the death or becoming a slave, you wouldn't find the situation so laughable.
This is all because a peaceful organization that has never attacked anyone is moving closer to Russia? What if the Easter Bunny starts moving closer to Russia, handing out chocolates? Will they threaten it with nuclear weapons?
I knew the article was a dumpster fire early in ... “Ukrainians astonished the world - and themselves - in 2022, withstanding an all-out military assault by a superpower meant to crush them within days.” Commiting 5% of your available forces hardly classifies as an “all-out military assault”, much less sufficient to crush the second largest army in Europe “within days.” Western media is a laughingstock.