Borrowed from a tweet: The West owns the global oil tanker fleet. It also controls associated services like maritime insurance and letters of credit to finance shipment. China and India depend on Western ships if they want Russian oil. They wouldnt be able to circumvent the price cap, even if they wanted to...
China getting a subsidy while a Europe freezes. The price of Russophobic hysteria ... The G7 Cap on Russian Oil Is a Subsidy to China |
US warned Russia's weapon stockpile 'not running out anytime soon' as China steps in | World | News |
Good news for Russia! They have a super fighting machine known as Russian Rambo! He is virtually undefeatable! Now the bad news. Rambo is not satisfied with something, and now he's killing Russians. Obviously, there is a future movie at stake here, so one can only hope that enough contestants enter the Russian Rambo competition to result in a top-notch movie. Maybe Russia could make this a Tik-Tok challenge? Russian Officials Fear Deserter on the Run Just Went Full Rambo With a Machine Gun Stallone's hairstylists are rumored to be in high demand in western Russia right now, for some strange reason.
A couple of points here. First, of course, Russia is not running out of munitions. I have scratched my head every time that scenario has come up since last March. Russia is not going to run out of munitions any more than they are going to run out of manpower. The only munitions you might see shortages of, temporarily, are precision-guided weapons due to the inadequate Russian capability to manufacture chips domestically. But only a fool would believe that Russia has not been working on that problem. None of our generals would be counseling the President that Russia would simply run out of munitions, shrug, and go home. So if that is the strategy of hope we are pursuing presently, then that sits squarely on Jake Sullivan. Second, if the U.S. is indeed running low on our own munition supplies due to the war, then that is again on Jake Sullivan. It did not take a genius to realize that after Russia was soundly defeated in its attempt to take Kyiv (and Russia was soundly defeated) that we were looking at a long war. Russia has screwed the pooch in many ways, but as far as I can tell they have at least been using the last nine months to solve their problems. And as far as I can tell, we have not. Despite having the time to do so, we have taken woefully insufficient action to solve the inevitable problems of munitions, fuel, and food production. Giving the Ukrainians everything we have and hoping the Russians would quit before we run out is, again, not much of a strategy. I have not been in the room, of course, but I don’t believe our generals have been telling the President to do that, so that pretty much narrows it down to the same doofus political hack responsible for all dumb national security advice over the last two years. Third, and this might be a good thing, if China really is stepping up with all of these munitions deliveries, then that might mean a Taiwan invasion is off the table for now. Such an operation would require a massive amount of firepower to give China a chance of quick victory and mitigate the risk of U.S. intervention in time. Granted, I don’t know what kind of munitions China is giving Russia; maybe it is stuff they don’t assess they need. But they wouldn’t be parting with anything earmarked for Taiwan if they were planning to make their move soon.
Of course a Taiwan invasion is off the table for now. The Taiwanese recently thoroughly repudiated Taiwan independence. The elections were a big middle finger to Nancy Pelosi.
How happy you must be. Maybe they died in some terrible way. Russia is a shit hole. Their olympians are disgraced. Their army is disgraced. They have been poor and broke since the 80’s. This world will be a better place when Ukraine finishes the humiliation.
Your impotent spewing visceral Russophobic rage is duly noted but will not win the war. Biden in the process of losing a second proxy war to the same shithole.
Not to hijack, but I believe you suggested in another thread that Americans should be able to divorce themselves from the United States if they choose. Assuming Ukraine (or some sub-part or region of Ukraine) wants to divorce Russia, do you agree that Russia should accept their wishes and pull out of those areas?
Remember when you mocked the Ukrainian advance in the North with how they weren't advancing in the South? Then when they advanced in the South, how they were losing territory in the Bakhmut region? How many gloriuous strategic retreats are necessary for Russian victory for you?
Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporozhye are a case in point. They recently voted to secede from Ukraine.
Reminder: between me and those of you who are my disputants, I’m not the one who’s keen on fighting this war to the last dead Ukrainian for Joe Biden.
Sure, but why are they absent? Controlling a region basically requires the lack of troops from another country. But the question isn't so much how they are holding those places, but why those Russian soldiers aren't there now.
Biden is embarrassing Putin to death. Dude, Putin fell down the stairs and soiled himself. Ukraine will outlast Putin. Then there will be so much internal fighting the front in Ukraine will crumble.
Until only recently Russia never had more than 80k combat troops in a country the size of Texas. And the Ukrainians can tell you why the Russians withdrew from Kherson City. They can’t supply the few citizens that remained, are under constant withering artillery fire and now are being called to the meat grinder which is Bakhmut.
Hell, our head of state falls UP the stairs. You guys do know this sort of woofing isn’t helping Ukrainians, don’t you ?