Because it would turn your perspective on the war ? MoA - Newsbits On Ukraine - Swamp Trenches, Short Training, Out Of Ammo
And for some bizarre reason I gave you the benefit of the doubt by reposting it. FWIW: the blogger is a former German tank commander.
Not a proxy war though ...
oh brother. This nutty article blames the war not on Putin, but “Deep State—the government elites” What is it with globbing onto internet conspiracy theories?
If the article wasn’t enough to convince you that we’re in a proxy war, remember that someone threatened to report me to the FBI for opining that Russia’s winning.
Now we know the truth, it was Deep State government elites that ordered Russian troops across the border into Ukraine.
“Right now if you’re a respectable writer and you want to write in the main journals, you talk about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, you have to call it ‘the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine ... of course it was provoked. Otherwise, they would be saying unprovoked incessantly.” —Noam Chomsky —
Gosh, I feel bad for laying that dead baby (metaphorically speaking) at Putin’s doorstep for all of these months.
Good news. Russia has made up for sending the bombs to Ukraine's embassies by sending . . . bloody animal eyes. Apparently, in Russian culture, this is the equivalent of sending flowers. The strange packages were sent to Ukraine's embassies throughout Europe. This could be a prelude to a Russian surrender. Or a barbeque. Ukraine says its embassies in countries across Europe have been receiving bloodstained packages with animal eyes in them Unless, of course, the packages were sent by a certain comrade in the Propaganda Distribution Department's North American Branch. Then it's just disturbing, but not entirely unexpected, behavior.
How the tide has turned ... “Ha!Ha! Russia’s losing!” Breaking: US proxy losing badly. “This is all Russia’s fault!”
Maybe not for hangers-on here. You seem to have some juice left. But the UK MoD is now preparing the British media for the fall of the all-important Ukrainian linch-pin of Bakhmut.
first - it’s not the first time in the last several months Russia though bakhmut was gonna fall. Still hasn’t. second- it’s far less strategically important than svatove. Although it has served as a good place to hold some of Russia’s units in one place.
The UK MoD has gone dark on Bakhmut. For that matter, Gen. Wesley Clark has gone dark on Bakhmut ... And I’ve already explained why Bakhmut is of greater strategic importance to the Ukrainians to the Russia. Again, Ukraine is fighting a PR war for its audience the West. It is imperative that Ukraine shows territory gained or, at very least, not lost. For, Russia, it is convenient that Ukraine has chosen to congregate its forces, in one place, where the Russians can “demilitarize” them. And of course it stands in the way of the small remainder of areas, in the Donbas, that Ukraine controls.
Listen, the only major power getting de-militarized here is Russia. Remember back at the beginning of the war, when Russia had entire battalions of armor running all over the place in Ukraine? You don't really see much of that anymore. Know why? It's been either captured, destroyed, or run out of parts. Estimates I have read indicate Russia has lost HALF of all its main battle tanks. There are also confirmed reports detailing how Russia has lost more than 10% of their fleet of SU-34s. Russia has lost almost 300 aircraft since the war began - that is insane! There is a reason the war has devolved to drones, shorter-range artillery, and waves of meat shields in the Donbas - Russia doesn't have anything else to throw at Ukraine in consistent numbers. IN fact - a recent report indicates that Ukraine now has more armored vehicles than Russia! . I have always said - since the beginning, that Russia was the superior power here and should win this war. But at this point, the advantage is all on the Ukrainian side. And unless something changes, Russia is going to be run out of Ukraine. Why the battle for the small city of Bakhmut is so important to both Russia and Ukraine | CBC News - regardless - the cost for Bakhmut, which again is of minor strategic value - is far too high for what people hope to gain by taking it. I weep for both the Russians and Ukrainians involved in the fighting there, and can only hope it ends soon.
It is so undeniable that Ukraine is getting badly crushed that even Western media is finding it necessary to shift the narrative in a way that saves face ... A victory for the Russians, even one that resembles the apocalypse, is a very real and very jarring possibility. For the Kremlin, securing Bakhmut — one of the few places it is not in retreat — represents the frenzied feat needed to change the narrative of their losing “special military operation.”. . . I watch helplessly as missiles whirl above and slam into civilian infrastructure. Certainly, Moscow’s targeting of non-combatant dwellings has been well-documented throughout the war. However, what I also observe is that Ukraine’s military often sets up posts directly outside humanitarian headquarters, hospitals and homes. It is for self-protection or because there are no longer conventional sandbagged frontlines and delineations between the armed and the unarmed. Nevertheless, it makes the scenario uncomfortable and makes every inch a pronounced target. Losses in Ukraine have come on a massive, generational scale
Solid prediction I’d say ... ayden @squatsons · 3h “But the cost is high” Everyone is preparing their audiences for the loss of Artemovsk/Bakhmut. Slowly but surely the narrative around the city is changing. Soon it will be “X number of Russians died over X amount of time for city that doesn’t even matter”.
You asked for it. You’ve been repeatedly cautioned not to engage. It pains me to say it, but you deserve the wasted time reading that garbage.