For us older folks, John Hadl former AFL and NFL QB passed away. The former Kansas star played QB for one of my fave teams to watch, the Chargers of the 1960s when it played in AFL with those cool light blue unis with the lightning bolt on the side of the helmet. Hadl at QB, RBs were electric Paul Lowe and pounder Keith Lincoln. To top it off the WR was Bambi himself, Lance Alworth. Gosh they were fun to watch. I loved that team as well as Unitas and Co. in the NFL. Hadl liked to throw deep and the OL had HOF Ron Mix.
82 years of age, drafted by the Chargers out of University of Kansas and in the college football HoF. Don't recall Kansas ever being good but I vaguely recall Hadl throwing it around for the Chargers.
My dad took a huge liking to the AFL league. Raiders, Chiefs, Chargers, Broncos, Oilers, Bills, Jets, Pats, Dolphins. All of what became the AFC West we’re fun rivalries. Teams and fans really disliked each other.
My Dad took me to back-to-back AFL all-star games at the old Gator Bowl when I was a kid. So much fun, so many great memories. RIP Mr. Hadl.
I was a Packers fan until they beat the Raiders in the second Super Bowl. Then I became a Raiders fan, and John Hadl was always an entertaining QB throwing bombs to Lance Alworth. Cris Collinsworth wore 21 because he was a big fan of Hadl. So did Jared Lorenzen.
I always watched the Hadl teams if on tv, particularly vs Oakland. The Raiders had some really interesting DL guys. Otis Sistrunk who claimed he was from the University of Mars. Ben Davidson with the handle bar mustache. I can see in my mind the other DT but cant recall his name. There was also the fsu wr who they named a wr award after who was actually faster than the claimed speed wr, Warren Wells.
Hadl to Alworth. Lance Alworth was my favorite player in the sixties because he looked like a little kid with a helmet three sizes too large, yet he could run like the wind. Collinsworth was something of a latter day version of Alworth...
I lived 12 miles from Oakland-Alameda Coliseum and went. Lot of Raiders games (although I was away at college in 69). Raiders-Chargers was always fun but the Chiefs were the Raiders’ most hated rivals