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Why didn't we get alternate uniforms this year?

Discussion in 'RayGator's Swamp Gas' started by touchdownmaker, Nov 16, 2022.

  1. malscott

    malscott GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    West Hills, Ca
    Yeah, traditional is the best. We have a bucketload of combos. Besides, Oregon has it down to a science. No duplication necessary. We go vintage, now we'll go black for veterans.

    Can't remember when it was, maybe late eighties early nineties, I was cold and bought a sweatshirt in the stadium, to my surprise it was black!! I bought a jacket when it was cold at the swindle game. It was Michigan blue with a big Gator on the back. The orange jackets are a bit much for me. But, if it has a Gator somewhere on it I'm ok, especially if it's cold.

    Go Gators-win out!:eek:;):D
  2. dave_the_thinker

    dave_the_thinker VIP Member

    Dec 1, 2019
    Milton, FL
    Then how did THOSE unis get approved, and we all know which ones I am talking about.
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  3. g8orbill

    g8orbill Old Gator Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Clermont, Fl
    Nike forced them
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  4. GameTime1

    GameTime1 GC Legend

    Jul 27, 2015
    It’s one thing to not be a fan. I’m certainly not. But how can you not understand the draw? Different strokes for different folks. We get traditional unis 90% of the time, let the players decide the other 10%.
  5. Emmitto

    Emmitto VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    The all-black unis will set the young'un world on fire, guaranteed.

    And while I'm no young'un, I like the alternates too. Not the scales and all that doofy stuff, but the matte black and such are cool. I even liked the chrome while it was new enough to not remind me of scrubadubs like Western Kentucky. Gotta hit those trends early and then ditch them before they become so widespread that there's no novelty.

    Not crazy about the throwback stuff either. But that's more of an NFL problem. That horrid ugly-sweater-contest the Steelers break out on occasion is like they lost a bet en-masse.

    In fact, my first rule after being named Grand Poobah of the Universe will be that each team can formally name a rival. When the first game is played afterwards, the winner gets to dress the loser in any uni from their history for the next game. Forget axes and buckets and oars and all that stuff, we are playing to put each other in the Worst Idea Ever unis in the history of your school, bruvs.
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  6. gainesvillegreen44

    gainesvillegreen44 GC Legend

    Nov 5, 2015
    Ugh. This is exhausting. WE ARE NOT ALABAMA. I don’t want to be Alabama or Penn state or some school with stodgy traditions or wear suits to the game like Miss. We are F-L-O-R-I-DA. We are fun n’ gun. We are the beach. We are the sunshine. We are the swamp. We are the springs and summer 365 days a year. We are speed and flash and Florida highschool athletes. We SHOULD have style and swag. We don’t need to be Oregon and switch it up every week. But we should switch it up 4/5 times a year. We look GOOOOOD with those blue helmets. We look GOOOOD with the white helmets and throw back spurrier jerseys. We’d look good in black. We’d loook great in chrome helmets with the GATOR HEAD logo. And honestly, it doesn’t matter what I like or you like or anyone over 30. It matters what the kids want and they LOVE the Jordan gear and they love switching styles. It helps with recruiting. It helps with our brand. ESPN does a whole segment about uniforms each week and we haven’t made it there ONCE. This is Billy’s biggest oversight so far. He has neglected to think outside the box and Lean in to what Florida is about, He’s going Bama on us and it’s just the pain wrong. There are A BUNCH of social media sites that feature uniforms including uniswag on instagram and we haven’t been featured at all this year. Kids check that site out. It helps build our brand. It helps attract attention and that’s what you traditionalists are squawking about/ being a recognizable brand/ so be the Florida brand. We are different. So be Florida. Lean in to who we are. Lean into the swag and stop trying to make us be Alabama. I am 100% right about this. This isn’t a matter of opinion or debate. This is what’s good for recruiting and who we are about.
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  7. akaijenkins1

    akaijenkins1 Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    It’s a CBN thing off the Saban tree - believes traditional unis are the ONLY way.

    I’m glad he’s relenting on the Black Unis (and found a great cause to tie it to).

    Personally I’m a fan of the occasional alts. Those throwbacks circa 06 are incredible
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. gtr2x

    gtr2x GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 21, 2007
    First thought is not a fan of black unis, but anybody got sample pics? Not that I get a vote anyway, just curious.
  9. gainesvillegreen44

    gainesvillegreen44 GC Legend

    Nov 5, 2015
    Case in point- Tennessee going with orange helmets this week and it’s blowing up on social media. It doesn’t RUIN their tradition- it adds to it. It’s 2022… get with the program Billy… use that Jordan cash
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  10. BA69MA72

    BA69MA72 GC Legend

    Apr 8, 2007
    Black uniforms for Veteran’s Day just helps perpetuate the ignorance about Veteran’s Day vs Memorial Day. Veteran’s Day honors EVERYONE who served (a stateside NCO like me, and my father who spent 3 years in the PTO in WW2). If anything the colors should have celebratory tones.
    Memorial Day honors those who died. Color tones should be subdued and mournful.
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  11. easycoastgator

    easycoastgator GC Legend

    Dec 26, 2018
    Since you asked for a sample, I post this once a year it seems and I get 8+ dislikes every time. Don’t shoot the messenger. Hold your fire. Haha
    This one is fan generated but if we are heading in that direction anyway this is the best version I’ve seen. I don’t hate it and could do combos with it keeping the Jersey black and alternating lid and pant colors through orange, blue and white. I don’t hate the black helmet either. Could do gator head or gator script or F.
    BUT… if we do it, I’d prefer it be an every other year thing at max

    Last edited: Nov 16, 2022
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  12. Wanne15

    Wanne15 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 18, 2015
    “We are the beach?” Nope, not, no sir. Gainesville isn’t the beach.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. stp_gator

    stp_gator GC Legend

    Nov 16, 2017
    St. Pete
    Ok, alternate unis like black or the green lizard skin unis I am not a fan of. But these throwback unis are totally bad ass, either with the white helmet or the blue, which is even more bad ass. I would play homecoming every year in our throwback unis. They’re are part of our history and not some one off gimmick.
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  14. chunks1

    chunks1 GC Legend

    Jan 2, 2014
    Missed tackles, worse 3rd down defense on America, no passing game and we are worried about what color to wear.
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  15. garettk

    garettk GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 3, 2008
    Mayo, FL
    I was taught to focus on what you could control
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  16. GatorPrincess8

    GatorPrincess8 Princess of Basement Dwellers VIP Member

    I am fine with traditional, but I did miss the orange jersey.
  17. tigator2019

    tigator2019 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 25, 2018
    In my head--- UF
    Stay with the sets we have. No need for black. Saw what happened to ugaly versus bama
    • Winner Winner x 1
  18. akaijenkins1

    akaijenkins1 Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    The dislikes might be a result of the shoe-throwing player wearing the uni in that pic :emoji_laughing:

    (Actually, is that Q and not Marco??)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. AgingGator

    AgingGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 24, 2007
    While it wasn’t a shellacking, the ‘17 Texas ATM game still haunts me. Ugly uniforms AND a loss.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  20. chunks1

    chunks1 GC Legend

    Jan 2, 2014
    And unfortunately we don't control play or wardrobe. Better play is my druther.