Interesting theory, but I suspect they couldn’t consume enough vodka in whatever ditch they are hiding in to kill themselves. If not Ukrainian bullets then what? Scared to death? Covid? Fragged by the second line while running away?
Time is running out on the gas station. December 5th is only three weeks away. China is already slowing down its purchases of Russian oil. Russian crude supplies are building up with no place to go. China refiners slow down Russian oil purchases as sanctions near - trade
I think this says it all: in the fighting for Kherson, both sides built trenches. One of the two combatants was able to line their trenches with wooden floors and equip them with internet and flat screen televisions, while the other side had to settle for narrow, mud-filled trenches. Guess which side was which? Analysis-Why stop now? Ukraine seen pressing advantage after Kherson victory If only Russia could have afforded to equip each battalion with a fourth shovel, maybe the Russians could have done more. Seems like Russia's military has been outclassed in every possible way by Ukraine.
Most Americans have not trusted Russia since WWII. Russia gobbled up as much of eastern Europe as they could in the aftermath of the war while the U.S. was setting western European countries free. Gorbachev gave Americans some reason to have hope for the two countries, but it didn't last. Putin is no better than Stalin, Khrushchev, or Brezhnev.
Oil is expected to hit $120/bbl this winter and stay there for two years, affecting the global economy. It is primarily due to the EU sanctions on Russian oil imports, but also compounded by OPEC's reluctance to increase production. Here's why oil will hit $120 a barrel soon and stay high for the next 2 years
I don't see this. imo, OPEC knows that would accelerate demand destruction and would increase output to prevent that
It's quite the quandary. What is the ideal price to maximize long term profit? Is there a price point that slows the advancement of renewables and EV roll out? Is that number profitable? What is it? $10? It seems keeping it low enough to limit american production could make sense in some ways.
I doubt this. If oil hits a hundred every one will pump as much as they can. Peak oil demand is coming. Not guessing when but in the next ten years world wide oil demand will start shrinking.
Yeah I don’t have any specific knowledge but from what I’ve heard the world oil markets have adapted such that Russian oil is getting to China and India and others - the process has mainly just been a process of various countries switching where they get their oil.
I also believe that traders try to put fear into consumers to temporarily raise the price of oil. Traders don’t care if oil is high or low but they profit on volatility.
Interesting how they aggressively attack. They appear out numbered, attacking a defensive position and still drove them out. It’s good to take online videos with a grain of salt, but agree this exemplifies the difference and impact of fighting will.