Mass-rape is a recycled war myth. Going into WWI there were reports that the Huns were throwing babies in the air and catching them on pitchforks. Fast forward to 2002 when Iraqis were removing babies from incubators and placing them on the floor.
Russian troops are about to quit fighting. Makes sense they don’t want to die. What causes armies to lose the will to fight? Here's what history tells us -- and what Putin may soon find out | CNN
Russian troops pouring into theatre. It’s the reason why the much-ballyhooed massive Ukrainian counter-offensive has not happened, even with Biden needing to show progress in advance of the midterms. Indeed, along the northern axis, Ukraine has shifted from offensive to defensive preparations.
Yeah, like Svatove, right? and how about those ships burning in Sevastopol (though not in the north)? More rope a dope by Russia, I presume. Meanwhile Bakhmut is still under Ukrainian control. I recall you had a prediction there a while back. Consistently wrong but always optimistic, aren’t you?
You mean the drones Russia destroyed in the Black Sea ? And I don’t remember predicting a time predicted on the fall of Bakhmut.
True you didn’t predict a time- you said it was happening back on 10-14: “While Russia loses an ammo dump, the Zelensky regime is experiencing an operational crisis in Bakhmut. Zelensky forces are beginning to retreat from the city.” Sure is a slow retreat.
The Russian "troops" almost certainly include large numbers of minimally trained recently conscripted Russians, in the vernacular referred to as "cannon fodder". Russian losses fueled by new units untrained in "basic" weaponry: Ukraine ‘Coffins Are Already Coming’: The Toll of Russia’s Chaotic Draft
That's not what I said at all. I said it is time to rebuild and reassess if we are to continue this fight. Does that mean having to coexist with these forms of government until such times are more favorable? Absolutely.
Ukraine is asking Poland to build a railway from Ukraine to the port city of Gdansk to transport grain without using the Black Sea. Ukrainian farmers ask Poland to build wide-gauge railway track to Gdansk port
If these links to a video and an article don't give you a hint I don't know what will. Is Germany at risk of an industrial slowdown? Germany's 'double whammy' not a blueprint for EU Until today, that is. At the EU finance ministers' meeting in Luxembourg, more and more member states, as well as two EU commissioners, called for "European solidarity," i.e., more debt at the EU level. There is increasing fear, even panic, that the massive energy crisis caused by Russia could force industrial production in Europe into meltdown. And debt-ridden governments are realizing that they simply do not have the fiscal means to offer companies and electorates in their own countries any relief from soaring prices.
Oh no! Economic slowdown ahead.! Panic in streets time. Seriously, all you have is hyperbole. Carry on with your sky is falling skit if that make you happy but I’ll keep pointing out the absurdities (for instance your assertion that we should take on Russia years from now when we’ve built up our military). Again I work for a company that does $3B in European business. Things are challenging but not bleak. If any one carried on like you at a senior leadership meeting they’d be shown the door
Draftees from Tatarstan are making great additions to the Russian army. They are doing so well at aggressiveness training that they have to be kept in cages. Photos from Tatarstan show mobilized Russian soldiers in cages
Sanctions are having an impact. It will only get worse. Russia to Suffer Worst Slowdown of Any Major Economy
Russia is now using white phosphorus on the battlefield. Allegations of Russia's use of white phosphorus bombs in Ukraine
Hard for me to get excited about the use of WP on the battlefield. If they use land mines, well, the people’s princess might roll around in her grave, but I say that too is a legitimate tool of war. Now if they use poison gas or nukes, that’s a different story.
Belarus has been supplying Russia with ammunition--65,000 tons to date. The good news is that they appear to be running out of ammo. The peak transfer of 22k tons occurred in April. Did Russia say thanks? No, they just said "tanks", so Belarus coughed up 94 out-of-date tanks. Belarus has supplied Russia with 65,000 tons of ammunition
Putin is threatening to shut down grain sales after those drone attacks. Too bad they were so unsuccessful Russia pauses grain deal after Ukraine strikes warships in Crimea (
Ukraine update: A night attack on the port in Sevastopol damages at least three Russian ships It's funny that people take anything from Russia seriously - based on how they so obviously lie every time something bad happens to them. The saddest part of this update is republicans blocking support for ukraine, yet again. This time by preventing the forfeiture of russian stuff being used to fund the war in ukraine.
Yep. A lot of posts are like that…. Latest reports. Not great but not “in shambles” “The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in European Union expanded 4.20 percent in the second quarter of 2022 over the same quarter of the previous year. GDP Annual Growth Rate in European Union is expected to be 1.50 percent by the end of this quarter, according to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations. In the long-term, the European Union GDP Annual Growth Rate is projected to trend around 2.30 percent in 2023 and 2.10 percent in 2024, according to our econometric models.” European Union GDP Annual Growth Rate - 2022 Data - 2023 Forecast