We forget how much goes into something like this including how hard the band had to work on this tribute.
“Yeah it's kinda silly, the fact they didn't do this while he was alive makes me think the dude wasn't even a fan.” I couldn’t tell if he was a big fan, but his record label was called Gone Gator in O & B colors. Maybe the song could be changed to Learning to Fly for the time being.
Way to be a fan !! That how we do it in Gator land !! We are 7 games in with a new staff and a roster that will grow over the next few years yet we berate them .
If I had to guess it was money. Gator Growl is put on by student government (I think) and tickets were either 3 or 5 dollars. Don't think they could afford it. Unless Mr. Petty would do it for next to nothing.
He's the only A-list celebrity from Gainesville, so naturally he had 384 next door neighbors growing up here. I've run into at least a hundred of them.
Well the defense sure hasn't proven me wrong thus far and who the F are you to constitute what a fan is? No one is berating them. We are accurately assessing them. And I have given so much money to the program through the years that I will say whatever I want if the product is subpar. Or are we supposed to check with you when it's okay to criticize the defense?