I’d be interested in seeing a ‘before-after’ post-mortem, I mean analysis of countries we’ve spread freedom and democracy to.
Let’s see. Pretty much all the countries in Europe. After that it’s a little spotty- we certainly have fucked it up is South and Central America and of course Iraq was never about democracy.
Russia recruits Afghan commandos to bolster forces in Ukraine: 'Surprising' effect of US military drawdown (msn.com) Multiple Afghan military and security sources have said the elite National Army Commando Corps, which fought alongside U.S. forces for nearly two decades, have started joining up with Russian troops in Ukraine after the U.S. left them behind following its withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, according to a report from news website Foreign Policy. The force, comprised of 20,000 to 30,000 volunteer commandos, have faced persecution in their homeland after the U.S. departed as the Taliban took control of the country. A few hundred senior officials evacuated during the withdrawal, leaving thousands of soldiers to try and escape to neighboring countries or hide to avoid capture and execution.
Here is a mystery: Rotax small airplane engines are being stolen in Europe and smuggled into Iran for making drones. European companies cannot do business with Iranian companies, and it is difficult to ship things to Iran. It would be interesting to know the path that these engines are taking to get to Iran. Same Type Of Rotax Engines Used In Iranian Drones Targeted In Bizarre Theft Wave (Updated)
Easily frightened ? Well Panama was in 89. Did you know me ? I have seen enough pointless death. We fought in Afghanistan for 20 years only to leave it all for China. We spent billions in Iraq and losr thousands of lives for. Nothing. I could not in good faith send young marines and army servicemen to Ukraine to fight. For what?. Ukraine ? Pass. I get it. You dig this stuff, but i could not send my son and I could not send your son / daughter to fight a pointless war for Ukraine. JMHO
This is part of Putin’s likely calculus, it is just another example of W’s Iraq war lie in particular as the gift that keeps on giving. It set off a cascading chain of events weakening U.S. resolve, and if we look at the recent nuttery of the GOP even to our very commitment to democracy.
ooor maybe it’s possible some people can look back and think the way the war was fought and the way the post war was handled was a complete disaster and that a majority of our goals were obtained in 3 months in Afghanistan and we didn’t need to be there for 20 years. And maybe. Just maybe some peoplentake those lessons and see no good end game or achievable goal with direct kinetic operations in Ukraine. sending good men and women to die with no achievable goals makes me nauseas. Are you going to occupy Ukraine ? Are you ok with Russians taking out US vessels in the pacific or maybe torpedo some ships coming across the Atlantic ? Would that escalate it and now we strike targets in Russia as result ?
I’m amused by all these facile suggestions that we should just go over and handle Russia. Our militarily can do nothing of the sort.
i disagree and feel comfortable stating we would maul a lot of Russian forces, but we would take some substantial damage and for what ?
Patton or maybe it was George C Scott said the goal in war is not to die for your country it’s to make the enemy die for his. Ukraine is almost an ideal scenario. Lots of Russians dieing lots of Russians leaving. If no Ukrainians were being hurt it would be perfect.
Sounds like what the US experienced during Vietnam. Except this is another Vietnam for the US, albeit by proxy.