Yep, he wants a collection of vassal states on his frontier that become de facto parts of a greater Russian Empire. He doesn't want a western style democracy on his door step (might make his natives restless).
Good article on the subject. I may have posted this link in previous posts. The 'dangerous parallels' between Ukraine 'invasion' and Nazis in the Sudetenland | Daily Mail Online
Funny how the world let that one go as Crimea is much more startgic place for Russia. Not to mention it was occupied ny Russian speaking people.
I have no issue with disposing Putin. I have an issue with half stepping the process if we are going to go to war then lets get on with it. Take Ukraine and own it. If you want to get froggy and take on Russia as well quit side stepping the issue in hopes you're going to get what you want. This is where we are headed so why suffer death by a thousand cuts.
It’s hard to know what would pass got a credible link in the information bubble. Because Bad Man Putin.
There is no way Putin can achieve the above in his lifetime and he knows this. He may talk about it, but talking and doing are two totally separate things.
Nonsense. You are like DD lite. Your game is to overestimate Putin’s strategic decision making abilities and wring your hands hoping for an end to hostilities by appeasing Putin. It’s not a good look. Putin thought he could occupy The capitol in 3 days and dispense with the country in a week or to. He’s a “stable genius” along the lines of Trump
Ukraine update: Terrorist Putin launches mass strikes against civilian targets in another tantrum Updates on the missile attacks from earlier today. Being called the largest coordinated missile strike of the war. As Ukraine Forces Press Offensive, Front Line Is Shifting Fast Nice piece on Ukraines advance British Defence Intelligence Update Ukraine – 10 October 2022 - Kyiv Post - Ukraine's Global Voice Quick update on where the two sides appear to be focusing