Fellow gators, I need some assistance. I recently cut the cable and switched to streaming. If I subscribe to ESPN+, do I also have access to ESPNU? There is NOTHING that I can find that definitively says yes - or no. HELP!!!
I believe you get all the espn channels (SEC,SECn, espn1,2,3 espnN, espnU etc. I have sling and last week their contract with Disney expired and they had no espn anything, checked last night and people must have voiced their massive disappointment bc it's back.
What company provides your internet? You should be able to look up if said internet provider includes ESPN (not ESPN+) with your subscription. It may or may not.Then, you’d log in to ESPN using your ISP credentials and stream it however you stream anything else. We access the ESPN family of networks (does not include ESPN+) via our YouTube TV subscription, since our internet-only Comcast Xfinity subscription does NOT include ESPN. We then get ESPN+ as a bundle with Disney+ and Hulu. You’ll find that this cord-cutting/bundling model alone doesn’t save a ton of money overall than the old school cable subscriptions. The money savings come in sharing your logins across a family and splitting the costs.
Here's an article from Business Insider. Nothing definitive but apparently it doesn't include the entire ESPN package. ESPN+: All your questions answered about ESPN's streaming service
If you end up not having access to ESPNU and are trying to watch the game, it will likely be on Youtube. Perhaps someone can post a link to the livestream in this thread. I'm not as savvy in finding the vids.
Thanks I used the YTTV link last week until the local Cox cable got in gear and finally started streaming on SEC+ on the big screen about mid 1st quarter.
I watched last week's game via youtube on my TV. It was acceptable in a pinch until Sling got straightened out.
I have ESPN channels and SEC Network, but not U channel in my sports package. UF and SEC should not sign contracts where content is buried.
ideas/Youtube TV 3 weeks free right now. cancel, use another cc and email. 21 more We signed with ESPN the service. game not on. we cancelled. Sling is 2 weeks 1/2 off
Uf and sec didn’t sign a contract that made your service provider not put espnu in the sports package you chose. Get a better package or a better service provider. I’ve had the u in every package I’ve had with every service provider I’ve used since it became available. It’s not an obscure channel.