Former high-level U.S. general says that the war could be over by New Years. Ukraine could defeat Russia by New Year's Eve, a former top US general said
I completely agree that people shouldn’t take things at face value, and that the “they hate us for our freedoms” garbage was beyond dumb. But that we seemingly one sided of the story. In 2010, Ukrainendidndecksrenthatbtheybwoild satay non affiliated, and Russia apparently took that as weakness because they invaded (largely with fake troops) in 2014. And then they invaded Crimea. So is Ukraine supposed to honor that after they had their sovereign space invaded twice? No country on the planet would do that. He also has in turn declared that one of his conditions is to make Russian the language of Ukraine, which in itself exposed his motive. He’s talked openly about how Ukraine isn’t a separate country, he’s invaded four times now to restore between Chechnya, 2014, 2022 and Crimea.are we just supposed to say “have at it because you have nukes? That gives every country on the planet even even more incentive to get them. And as far as giving him the rest of Donbas, this poll says that is overwhelmingly against what the people there want. Only 2 percent of Ukrainians have a positive view of Russia, and the majority of people in Donbas want to stay Ukrainian. So again, what are we supposed to do? Say “well he had nukes so just let him take it”? He will do the exact same nuclear blackmail thing in a year to the rest of Ukraine, then the next country. And China will do the same thing to Taiwan, NK to SK etc. and the most obvious flaw in his logic is that the counties that joined nato did so by choice, in large part because they were afraid of the nationalism/expansionism (that goes back to Yeltsin) and authoritarianism that came out of Russia when their democracy became a sham. So again, Russia can threaten its neighbors, but the west isn’t allowed to repent? we don’t have a choice but to stand up to it now. He may be backed into a corner, but so are we.
Beating the Russian army in the field is one thing (a very good thing). Resolving the conflict is quite another. I suppose it’s possible (certainly not probable, in my opinion) that Ukraine restores its borders by Christmas. But anyone who thinks it’s equally probable that Putin’s government peacefully falls and the successor government comes in and happily recognizes those borders with a peace treaty is living in Fantasy Land.
I don't understand why people are taking recent events of strikes against Ukraine by Russian forces as something they shouldn't have expected. When you destroy pipelines and a bridge with NATO support the gloves will eventually come off. It has been my belief that Russia was using kid gloves in this war and playing the waiting game as Europe is brought to their knees for lack of energy and economic fallout from industrial closures of factories. This has become a reality as European nations are now struggling to contain the energy crisis. The question now becomes how far the escalation will go. Sanctions are not the answer and some form of diplomacy seems beyond comprehension. Will NATO send troops? It was just a matter of time before we arrived at this stage. At this point all choices are bad choices the questions is degree. Live: Russia strikes cities across Ukraine in major escalation of war Ukraine-Russia live news: Putin warns of ‘harsh’ attacks
Ukraine showboating after damaging a bridge. Holds street parties and even produces commemorative postage stamp. Then ...
I don't get you Cape, so you basicly are: A: So Intimidated by the Russian bear that you let them set all the conditions of war. B: you support Russia and its justification for this conflict. You may recall that Comrade Putin has invaded Ukraine on multiple fronts, destroyed numerous villages, towns and cities. So you expect the Ukrainians to stick a finger in their ass and say: Thank you comrades, may I have another? Your insane dude.
Ukraine will not prevail militarily by Dec. Unless Putin is assassinated and a new Govt that wishes to stop this insanity comes into power.
Reminder: this war is some 30 Western nations fighting to prevent the people of Donbas from defending themselves against the Ukrainians.
Best way to handle a bully is to knock their teeth out. There is no substitute. Unlike others on this site, I am unequivocal as to whom is the aggressor. NATO did not escalate in Georgia, in Syria or the Crimea. It is imperative to make the Russians bleed and badly. The line must be drawn. Conventionaly Russia will be annihilated by NATO.
If Russia had a ton of these missiles left they would be firing them every day - the fact is there are only so many left and they can't make more with western sanctions. And jesus - how much money did they just spend killing civilians? Seems like a weird flex to me. EU condemns 'barbaric' Russian missile attacks, warns Belarus In other news it does look like Belarus is about to join the war - big for Russia they need all the help they can get. It is an interesting escalation point for the rest of the world though. Belarus's Lukashenko warns Ukraine, deploys troops with Russia Belarus announces 'joint regional group of forces' with Russia as country's military gears up to join the war
Not at all. The question that remains is the human toll on a global scale and for what? Yes Putin invaded Ukraine and the sordid history of Ukraine has been discussed on multiple occasions. I have made it clear that the over riding difference between Russia and western governments is when Russia decides to invade a nation the result is they own it. When western nations get involved there is no such thing as territorial ownership. In these cases the majority of these nations have returned to their original state of affairs. My answer is take Ukraine remove it's government and own it. Half stepping measures are not the answer. As far as support for Russia where did I say I support Russia? The insanity is feeble minds not understanding what is transpiring before their eyes. Are you ready to send American troops to Ukraine? If you have read reports on the current state of our military I don't think that is a wise decision. It is also clear to me a majority of the populace does not either. Would Russia lose if the US gets involved? Most likely provided other nations such as China, Pakistan, Iran etc... do not intervene. If they do all bets are off. What is a given at this point is the globe runs on energy. Specifically natural gas and oil. It drives the industrial complex we all enjoy. That industrial complex is hanging by a thread because even if Russia loses and retreats from the Ukraine the gas is not going to magically appear. No one is going to invade Russia and turn the spigot back on. Although General Patton never stated this the movie Patton certainly exposes the the truth of his statement "Rommel, you magnificent bastard I read your book." Putin could certainly say the same thing at this point. In this instance for people who can't or refuse to understand this I can't help them. In the end we will all suffer and the question that remains is many will be asking was Ukraine worth it? It's time to tell the truth and not shade the consequences of war between Ukraine and Russia.
I know it warms your heart that although their literally getting their butts kicked on the battlefield the Russians still have more than enough missiles to continue their policy of attacking Ukrainian civilians, what can best be described as terrorism.
I just can't agree with you on this. Reminds me a lot of the concessions made to Hitler prier to WW2. All those concessions did not stop Hitler from invading the rest of Europe and the Soviet Union. You can not deal with dictators (and Putin is no more than a dictator) by letting them have what they want, they will always want more. You might delay the battle, but it is still going to happen.