@mtracey · Oct 8 Someone's going to have to explain why the people who were the most hyper risk-averse toward a respiratory virus are now the most cavalierly risk-tolerant toward nuclear destruction Stay Home, Save Lives —> I Stand With Ukraine
Stop trying to silence him just because he has a different opinion from yours. All points of view need to be considered. </sarcasm>
It's too bad India doesn't share a border with Russia. They could get their military equipment for free, as soon as Russia invaded.
How long does it take to wipe out a Russian platoon containing newly-minted draftee soldiers? About a hot minute, apparently. Platoon of 20 men ‘destroyed in a minute’ says Russian soldier captured after 12 days at front
Important context: Seagal has been an actual Russian citizen for over five years. That’s his country now, so of course he has a very different perspective.
Has there been much talk about the poor Azerbaijani truck driver who was duped, by Ukraine, into dying for inflicting repairable damage on a vehicular bridge that was quickly reopened to one-way traffic ?
Sadly no comrade. That’s because it wasn’t a truck bomb. Explosion came to the right of the truck as it was ascending the hump. The deck collapsed behind the truck. It was a glorious missile strike.
Replying to @baronitaigas The irony about "free media" is that in countries where such a concept doesn't exist, people have learned to take news always with a grain of salt. But the Western notion of "free and independent media" has created literal cattle who can't fathom that journalists might lie.
"But the Russian notion of "state media" has created literal cattle who can't fathom that Putin might lie" Fixed it for you since you made a bunch of typos. LOL
It seems the front lines are consolidating a bit. Oct. mud and approaching winter. The Ukrainian offensive is slowing. The strike on the Crimea Bridge is very interesting. Has Comrade Dugger spun this as a great Russian victory? Lol The Wagner group is getting torn apart. If Russia decides to hit Ukrainian Cities with unrestricted attacks on non military targets, whom could blame Ukraine for similar type retaliation? I suspect that Russia is preparing for a serious 2nd phase with the call up, wether it occurs in the winter or spring remains to be seen. It does seem that a new and more lethal phase is in the works. Comrade Putins gamble will ratchet up, IMO, I hope the Ukraine is shifting its strategy to consolidation, entrenchment and a costly lethality for renewed Russian offensive moves. Hopefully NATO and the US continue logistical and military support to make any Russian moves costly in the extreme.
I saw a video on reddit earlier of what was clearly 2 missiles striking the bridge, probably 5-6 seconds apart. If that was actually a truck, I'd sure like to see the launcher...