Putin's allies in his inner circle are starting to turn on him. Over half (440) of Ukraine's tanks currently in service were provided by Russia since the war started. Putin’s Own Allies Turn On Him as Ukraine Unleashes Hell in Stolen Russian Tanks
Sadly comrade there is no hope for mother Russia. It’s likely they won’t even hold on to Crimea which they stole in 2014. It’s an abject humiliation at the hands on a vastly out matched Ukraine. If I were you I’d find another country to run propaganda for. I suggest Saudi Arabia.
By the way that was no truck bomb. It’s a missile strike. The explosion is to the right of the truck.. There’s a under the bridge photo that I can’t find at the moment that clearly suggests this.
Nah, nah, nah, man. It had to be, like, a terrorist truck bomb. If it had been a missile, there’s no way it could have penetrated the world’s greatest integrated air defense system. It would have, like, been shot down or simply have “bounced off” the bridge like all of those Javelins did.
Less and less imperialistic breast-beating, among the populace, than I see here ... Poll: Growing Number of Americans Want Diplomacy With Adversaries | The Libertarian Institute
I don't even want to post the link to the gateway pundit, but here is an article title on the Kerch Bridge explosion. And, Just Like That… American Taxpayer Dollars Are Now Funding Terrorists Who Blow Up Bridges and Target Russian Infrastructure I don't usually post stuff like this in this thread - but just a reminder of how perverted the far right has become.
Russia-Ukraine war latest: what we know on day 228 of the invasion And just a reminder that for whatever reason, the Russian's are continuing to shell civilians well behind the front lines. Ukraine battles Russian advance in key town of Bakhmut Also interesting how obsessed Russia has been with this one strategic town. They have been attacking Bakhmut with their best units, meaning not the regular russian army - this is the heaviest concentration of Wagner troops in all of Ukraine. They've been trying to take it FOR MONTHS. Pro-russian mil-bloggers for some reason have picked this one town as their great hope. That if Russia, after months and months, can finally take this town just 100 km North of Donetsk, it's a sign of their impending victory.
Obsession or strategic focus ? Bakhmut appears to be Ukraine’s strategic linchpin in Donetsk. The bulk of its troops are garrisoned there. And it’s the launching pad for killing civilians via indiscriminate shelling. Ukraine’s frenzied ‘counter-offensives’, appear to be efforts to draw the Wagner Group, away from Bakhmut, which it is presently encircling. If so, Russia has not taken the bait. Ample evidence that Russia is tightening the noose. And some believe that if/when Bakhmut falls, that will be the decisive turning point in Donbas and an end to the slaughter of civilians in Donetsk.
This war is ... ... some 30 nations fighting to prevent the Donbas peoples from protecting themselves from Ukrainians. Yes, it may be more than that. But it is not less than that.
You wonder if Russia would have been more successful if they had simply told their soldiers the truth (even if it's their rose-colored glasses view of events): 1. NATO promised Moscow not to expand East after the breakup of the Soviet Union 2. Under every US president after Bush Sr, NATO expanded East 3. NATO has now brought their alliance to our borders after telling us it would come no where near 4. We had our man in Kyiv (Yanukovych). The West bankrolled a coup and ran him out. 5. Ukraine is our red line. Just looking at this from a Russian point of view, I think that reasoning would have gone over a lot better with the military and public. I think the military would have fought harder. Instead, Putin lied to his military, telling them it's just a training mission. Tells the public "we need to denazify Ukraine" (whatever the hell that means). I doubt few every day Russians thought of Ukraine as a Nazi threat, especially considering Zelenskyy is Jewish. But every day Russians would have easily recognized the NATO expansion eastward as a legit reason for call to arms. In so many ways, Putin has flubbed this entire thing. Perhaps his arrogance let him to believe he could wing it like this.