he thought it would be over in a week before the west had time to react. he also thought that Ukrainians would welcome the russians. he surrounded himself with people who told him what he wanted to hear and nobody had the stones to tell him the truth. sounds familiar somehow, thankfully our generals told him no
Maybe there’s hope yet ? Young people want to cut defense budget, end arms sales to Israel and Saudi Arabia: poll - Responsible Statecraft
Even most in the west thought it would be over quickly. Very few gave Ukraine any chance before the invasion started.
Apparently special forces produced a well timed explosion. Wonder if the train was carrying munitions
Fake news! Russian media assures us that it was just a spontaneous explosion of one of their rail cars and everything as well under control. I’m sure it’s coincidental that Ukrainian special forces think they had something to do with it. Everyone knows Ukrainian military is completely incompetent
Those are chemical railcars. No telling what they were carrying, but the contents were almost certainly liquids (possibly gases in some cars, also). I couldn't see any placards that indicate contents. I didn't see any boxcars.
Have to wonder if it was the explosive content of the train that was targeted to do the most damage. Once they start eliminating the transport and then go after the supply dumps for fuel and munitions we will know they intend to take Crimea too
Never let it be said the Ukrainian military doesn’t have a sense of humor. This tweet from military brass on Putin’s birthday. Logistics getting tougher for the invading forces.
Russia is having a real issue with spontaneous explosions and high placed individuals accidentally falling out of windows. Somebody needs to get to the bottom of that.
It was apparently a truck bomb that blew up, igniting the railcars that contained fuel. The heat from the explosion and fire could have caused the railcars to over-pressure, which would lead them to release their contents through a relief valve, which would then be ignited. The railcars themselves could then blow up, in something called a BLEVE (boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion) that is not uncommon with containers of flammable liquids with an external fire. The truck bomb could explain how one bridge was destroyed, and railcars on an adjacent bridge were ignited. Explosion damages bridge to Crimea, hurts Russia supply line
Well, you have to go with the hot hand, and if any service has performed well for Russia in this war it’s their Air Force. I mean, air superiority is coming, like, any day now. So naturally you go with an Air Force general to show those Army pukes how to turn this thing around. That, and the Black Sea Fleet Admiral was not available.
Here is the video of the truck blowing up the bridge. I was surprised that the heat from the explosion lit the fuel railcars on fire from across the section of bridge that did not get damaged. The video is really intense. Video shows Crimean Bridge explosion
Ukraine says that Russian military leaders are being arrested in Moscow. This may be related to the replacement of the guy in charge of the Ukraine War. Arrests of military personnel going on in Moscow, claims Ukrainian intelligence