If you only knew more you would understand that it’s all part of the diabolically clever, secret trap we’ve read about.
Wake up, sleepyhead! https://www.washingtonpost.com/busi...8058a4-d051-11ec-886b-df76183d233f_story.html
Except for the Russian troops actually involved in the “conflict”. For them it’s an existential struggle for (personal) survival.
Can't believe Tankie is still here spouting his nonsense. He was questioning just the other day why we haven't heard anything about the Kherson region, where we are now witnessing Russia losing a substantial amount of ground - no doubt planned and temporary, right Tankie? Personally, I think Russia's lack of ability to conduct combined arms warfare is to blame. Russia's presumable advantages are more than offset by its abysmal failure to coordinate its forces and weapons and, of course, its poor logistics. In the south, Tankie better hope Russian troops can fall back and at least hold Beryslav north of Kherson, which is really doubtful since they just seem to keep abandoning positions. Beryslav is the location of one of Russia's exfiltration camps. Can't wait to see how Tankie tries to spin what Russia has been doing there once the whole world gets to see. But hey, whatever the U.S. may have done in the past means whatever Russia does is justified, right Tankie? And its not going a whole lot better for Russia in the north. Svatove is an important logistics hub for Russia, and it looks like it will be cut off in the not too distant future. That Russian horde better hurry.
Wait. The random opinion piece you went months back to find in support of your argument also mentions Russia's "vast"loss of soldiers....
Means that, months ago, some realized the obvious. And WaPo wasn’t embarrassed to publish it. You people.
M30A1 Rockets are not cluster bombs, as the tungsten balls are not explosive. The Convention on Cluster Munitions prohibits the use of bombs that scatter a bunch of bomblets over a wide area. A main concern is that the bomblets can remain unexploded for long periods of time, only to blow up when disturbed later and harming civilians. Still, when you see video of the M30A1, you don't want to be anywhere near those things when they explode just above the ground. Would be very effective against condensed groups of Russian troops...
So again, you cherry pick their theory on the proxy war but refute their report of vast Russian losses.....
Ukraine's New Offensive Is Fueled by Captured Russian Weapons (msn.com) Captured and abandoned Russian tanks, howitzers and fighting vehicles—quickly scrubbed of their Z tactical markers and repainted with Ukrainian crosses—are being turned against their former owners as Ukraine’s military advances in the eastern part of the country.Ukraine’s rapid breakthrough in the Kharkiv region a month ago ended up putting hundreds of pieces of Russian armor into Kyiv’s hands, military officials say, as the Russian army left behind its heavy weapons and warehouses of supplies in a disorganized retreat. Some Russian pieces of equipment were ready for immediate use, while others are being repaired to return to the front. Tanks, vehicles and guns too damaged to salvage are being cannibalized for spare parts. Crucially, Russia has also left behind large quantities of Soviet-standard artillery shells that had nearly run out in Ukraine. This haul is helping power Ukrainian forces as they retake parts of the eastern Donetsk region, including the town of Lyman, and push further east into nearby Luhansk. Kyiv has regained more than 4,000 square miles of land in the east over the past month, in addition to advances in the south. One Ukrainian battalion, the Carpathian Sich, seized 10 modern T-80 tanks and five 2S5 Giatsint 152-mm self-propelled howitzers after it entered the town of Izyum last month, said its deputy chief of staff, Ruslan Andriyko. “We’ve got so many trophies that we don’t even know what to do with them,” he said. “We started off as an infantry battalion, and now we are sort of becoming a mechanized battalion.” The chief of staff of a Ukrainian artillery battalion on the Kharkiv front said his unit now operates four recently captured Russian 2S19 Msta 152-mm self-propelled howitzers, alongside American-made guns, and now has abundant Soviet-caliber ammunition.
According to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, as of 3 October, 15246 civilian casualties were recorded, including 6114 deaths. I suspect the substantial majority at the hands of Ukraine, not Russia. Compare with the NATO-directed onslaught of Mosul in 2017 – an estimated 40k civilian deaths in that one city siege. Or for that matter the war in Yemen with an estimated 377k deaths as of the end of 2021.
Wow more Russia good, everyone else bad. See if it weren't for these posts I'd think you just had a different opinion - but then you post this nonsense and it's clear you have an AGENDA