Like the National Guard in his article which would pain you to read ... “It is still possible that they take Lyman and consolidate control of Kupyansk, but this would likely represent the culmination of Ukrainian offensive capability. For now, the area around Lyman is a killing zone that exposes attacking Ukrainian troops to Russian air and ground fires.” Note: he said he’s suspending the thread, for a few days, as it has been beset by a herd sneering trolls. I can attest that this is true.
Haha! Let's take a look at the timeline: Sept. 29: Lyman is a killing zone that exposes attacking Ukrainian troops to Russian air and ground fires. But maybe they claim the town. Sept. 30: The scale of Ukraine's defeat in Lyman will become clear in the coming days. Unclear how much they lost, but it is substantial. Oct. 1: Russians retreat from Lyman to stop from getting encircled as they are shelled on the way out Oct. 1: See, I was right! That's analysis!
I suspect his Sept 30 prognostication is correct. Will you be around in a few days ? I will be. If we find he was spot-on, would it be okay if I and all my friends spam your PM with “Ha-Ha!” like they’re doing on his Twitter feed now ?
So is the current plan to make the Ukrainians overconfident by running away from them so quickly that they tire themselves out and when they stop to sleep, the glorious Russian counter-attack begins? Or do you need to wait until Big Serge comes up with something to help you feel better about the master strategy of running away?
I vaguely remember the premature victory laps on this one ... Ukrainian counteroffensive: Kyiv could ‘seize Kherson before the winter’
Okay, let me know when Big Serge comes back to explain the master strategy of running away. I am anxiously waiting to hear how the guy talking about the terrible Ukrainian defeat as the Russians decided to run as fast as they could squares those things to make you feel better about another loss.
Just wait for that brilliant Russian counterattack: 300,000 screaming, motivated conscripts have gladly left behind their families, careers, and recreations with just one goal: “Brothers and sisters! We must protect Putin’s face and not allow him to be embarrassed! Over the top!”
While conscription is never a good thing, it is especially egregious when people are forced into the military and sent to the front lines with little or no training to fight a war of choice.
I hear you, but this doesn’t end until they sort out that they have the power to end this thing by marching north instead of east. Totally up to this army how long the suffering must continue.
Information is still sketchy, but it is claimed that a Ukrainian force of 6,000 has taken a nearly deserted small town, chasing out a garrison of 500 mostly Ukrainian separatists and Cossack volunteers. Tomorrow I expect to see Zelensky marching up the Kremlin steps and arresting Putin.
So many prospective troops seem to be going the other way when called up. Immediately, Russian men headed for the country’s borders, while civilians and draftees, provided with few supplies and no training, began to resist. Yeah, morale at an all-time high. Recall, however how Ukrainian civilians reacted when invaded - they showed up to fight.
No, it was not necessary to support Ukraine. We could have just given up our principles to support peaceful people in their quest for freedom, and let them die or go into servitude for Russia. And then we could wait and watch until the next country fell to Russia. It's fairly obvious what Putin's goals are. We are not doing anything to Ukrainians that Ukrainians cannot put a stop to. Obviously, they trust a future with us as allies much more than a future under the Russian yoke. The Ukrainians could surrender tomorrow if they wanted to. If Russia wins this war, they will re-build their military and pick their next victim. You would have to be blind not to see this coming. Ukraine is the only eastern European nation that can stand up to Russia without NATO's full involvement, and even that feat requires a lot of external assistance. If you want a peaceful future for Europe, you should support Russia's defeat in this war.
You can always educate yourself by clicking on the links below. "No training"—Russia recruits say they're being rushed to Ukraine frontline Russian conscripts with no training 'are already on frontlines in Ukraine' | Daily Mail Online Drafted Russians sent to front lines likely have "minimal" preparation: UK By Deploying Untrained Draftees, The Russian Army Is Committing ‘Premeditated Murder’ Russia-Ukraine war: Russian conscripts being sent straight to front, Kyiv says; UK sanctions Russians linked to ‘sham referendums’ – as it happened
Our comrade is as bad at making arguments as the Russian army is at fighting wars. Putin's #1 rule about managing a difficult situation: when you find yourself in a hole, keep digging until you dig yourself out of the hole.