Slight difference in the questions. The author’s question is what should the U.S. do to deter the use of nuclear weapons, and I agree with the assertions therein. My question was over what to actually do in the largely unthinkable event. All of us here have the luxury of saying “Too difficult to contemplate” or “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” The President does not have that luxury, of course. We need a plan, not merely another Jake Sullivan Special: “plan to plan but hope in the interim.” Glad that the MSM is finally starting to address this. The west really needs to shift from a peace-time to war-time footing and ramp up defense production. The fact that we haven't already really bothers me as a person that likes strategy and logistics, especially in the world we are now apparently living in.
The actions of the US govt, towards Putin, belie the notion that he’s unhinged and desperate, finger on the nuke button. In reality, he’s far more restrained and far less reckless than they are. But the US govt is quite happy that you be Putin is a madman. Keeps you in line.
It's not just the US and Europe that may be running out of weapons. Russia might run out of weapons, ammunition by end of year: Report As Ukraine counterattacks, Russia’s military facing steep artillery, resupply challenges - Breaking Defense Also keep in mind that for its more advanced weapons systems Russia has to rely on imported components which are are no longer available. Just one example.
I’m not a big mapper. But here is another example of Ukraine’s amazing strategy of creating a pincer while being in a pincer. This is the sort of thing that’s been happening for months now. Russia probably think why attack your enemy when it comes to you to be killed ?
As Ukraine counterattacks, Russia’s military facing steep artillery, resupply challenges - Breaking Defense Resupply is a huge issue for Russia too. One of the big lessons we must take from this war is how fast countries will go through stockpiles in peer and near peer engagements. We should ramp up production right now. Aggressively.
No, they did not. SMO entails that Russia has ceded the initiative to an equal or greater number of Ukraine separatists who’ve handled most of the close-in fighting. Early on, calculations of greater Russian casualties were predicated on the axiom that offensive force suffers greater casualties. But it has been Ukraine rushing contact lines while Russia blasts them from afar with artillery and missile strikes.
They employed largely unresisted flying columns early-on, later cauldrons, with Ukraine taking the bait every time.
tell that to the thousands of Russians who died on the kyiv salient back when it was the priority of the Russian military. I do like how Russian apologists have tried to argue kyiv was a feint or a ploy. I won’t clog up the thread arguing about it anymore though.
Thousands of Russians did not die during the non-existent Kyiv salient. During the first month of the war, Russia announced that 1,351 Russians died, in the entire theatre, that it was a “national strategy” ... and “almost none” have died since as Zelensky decided on his bodies for shells on the supposition that Russia would run out of shells before Ukraine ran out of bodies. And all this for Boris Johnson.
Been saying this since March. We should mobilize the economy, not only for weapons but also food and hydrocarbon production. Would you care to be the next National Security Advisor? It would be nice to have someone in there who “likes strategy and logistics” more than they like politics and narratives.
Moses built the ark before the rain. Us military and government should take the same approach to planning.