I never felt the need either because it doesn’t matter to me. I only mentioned it to show that my opinion(s) don’t come from ignorance. Each to their own.
So the societal aversion is only to male homosexual sex and not female homosexual sex? There may be some truth there. But the fact that so many straight men (and many curious women) like watching women have sex seems to contradict the general notion of a negative moral intuition based upon who’s supposed to be their “natural sex partner.” It’s just about what people enjoy or not. Someone once argued to me that the Bible does not condemn lesbian sex - just gay sex. Do you agree with that? I thought it was creative at least.
Duchen's response to you is entirely correct. The two cities were destroyed because they abused travelers and strangers coming into the cities. No doubt you have heard the admonition to use scripture to interpret scripture, so I post the following for your consideration. It was written and posted previously on another thread. The sensational homosexual sins of the cities residents has long been the sole reason given for their destruction, with the other evils ignored or disregarded as irrelevant. There is a significant preamble of a sort in Genesis 18, the chapter that precedes the 19th and the story of the destruction of the two cities. The 18th opens with Abraham sitting at the entrance of his tent during the 'heat of the day' when he sees 3 men approach. He immediately welcomes them, sends for water for their feet to be washed, and gives orders for food and drink to be prepared. He selects a calf from his herd to be killed and prepared and when all this is accomplished he stands nearby while they eat and are refreshed. All this before they tell him the aged Sarah will have a son or inform him they have come to destroy the cities. He bargains with them in an effort to see the cities spared for the sake of any innocent people who may dwell there, but his effort is futile as no innocents were to be found. Abraham opened his home to the travelers and generously shared his food and water with them. It was a stark contrast to what passed as a welcome travelers received when arriving in Sodom and Gomorrah. It has an echo in the Christian scriptures when Jesus instructed his disciples to go out among the people to ministering to them, healing the sick, and proclaiming ' the kingdom of heaven has come near.' They were to go with only the clothes on their backs. From Matthew 10 - 9 “Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts— 10 no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth his keep. 11 Whatever town or village you enter, search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave. 12 As you enter the home, give it your greeting. 13 If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. 14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. 15 Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town. In those last 2 verses, without a single mention of homosexual activity, Jesus made clear why the two cities were destroyed. If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.
But which sins? Not homosexuality. The citizens of Sodom wanted to have sex with the Angels because that is how they treated the poor, needy, travelers and guests. Not with kindness and hospitality. It was their selfish cruelty toward visitors and their desire to hold onto their wealth that was the reason they were destroyed. Homosexuality is a common misconception. https://www.chabad.org/parshah/arti...ish/What-Doomed-the-Ancient-City-of-Sodom.htm
Religious education can be dangerous when it is incomplete. It is why I try to avoid making judgments about people, events and things based on religion. Because I don’t know enough and very few people really do. Often, as in the verses you quoted, the reason for an event is laid out. But not always. Sodom and Gommorah being a classic example. It is meant to teach a lesson on tolerance and kindness, but has been cooped to do the opposite. And the lesson gets passed on because people don’t know enough. There is much I don’t know.
"There is much I don’t know." The same can certainly be said by me. Though I do not literally believe all of it as I think much of it is allegorical, a parable writ large, the Bible, nonetheless, is a deep work worthy of study. It has much to teach with several levels of interpretation. My long standing prayer has been to remain teachable.
You mean normal? So we live in times so @#$$%@ up, that normal gets a special designation? Good Lord, if that doesn't say it all...
Well, there's certainly a reading that would support that position. That's not me though. I read my bible, but when there's question about what's meant, I appeal to the authority of the Catholic Church. The Church makes no distinction bt lesbian vs dude on dude homosexuality, and both are identified as sin. I make no bones about it--when i savor lesbian porn, i am sinning--even if I think it's beautiful, artistic, and/or...pleasing. (...but the dudes x2 shit is just flippn nasty...and sinful).
Sure I can, and im pretty sure i did. Tbl though, is that you subscribe to a school of thought that holds that enuch = homosexual in that passage, while i accept to the authority of the proper custodian of those texts, to wit: the Catholic Church, which traces its origins through apostolic succession, to the actual apostles tapped by Jesus Christ, and identified by name in the very scripture you cited, along with the rest of the New Testament scriptures... ...which maintains that eunuch =/= homosexual in that passage.
We don’t just call straight people “normal” people, though. That wouldn’t make any sense in isolation. We say “heterosexual” to identify and distinguish that sexual orientation from “homosexual.” It’s not that straight people are really getting a special designation. It’s just a descriptor which both get. Similar to trans versus cis.
It's abnormal to be with someone to who you don't feel attraction to simply because you're trying to be accepted by others. That is, consenting adults before you try that route.
But if you're endowed with a key, you look for a lock...and if you're endowed with a lock, you seek a key. C'mon man, this is really basic stuff. Didn't you see Ghostbusters? Zuul the gatekeeper seeking Gozer the keymaster... Timeless, universal shit bro!
Looks like the movement must devour Obergefell. Roe was not enough to satiate, even temporarily. They must cause more pain and show Dominion