Look from a shopping POV, our Targets have Back to School stuff and our kids literally finished last week. 4th of July stuff came out in early June, around the same time as the Pride Month stuff. You're making a mountain out of a molehill. Would rather see Pride stuff than the back part where they're already putting up the setup for Christmas lights. IN JULY. More importantly, what do you care? If you don't want it don't buy it. If you don't believe in it don't do it. If you don't like the show switch channels. This reminds me of when interracial families started showing up on ads and some were outraged at the "erosion of family values". Reminder too...there are gay veterans. For that matter there are female veterans too. Minority veterans as well...who have fought and spilled blood, some dying, to defend the same country that wants to continously take away their rights. Maybe spare THEM a thought this 4th of July and think how THEY feel.
I think ridge made the post better than I could just above. I can be annoyed that it’s everywhere and still not hate it. Normalize was probably not the best word though so I get that. There are many types of people with differing ideas and that’s great and all, but it’s literally coming at me from all angles.
Lol. Mountain out of mole hill? I literally admitted up thread that it slightly annoyed me. Gays are totally in the season…I get it. Next libbie agenda please.
Ice For me it’s the fact that it is so blatantly driven by commercialism. For anyone to act like June is about promoting equal rights is just a joke. It’s about money. And yes, I find it ironic we give our nations independence 1 day a year compared to all the other holidays/ awareness months. And no one bats an eye in March for Developmental disabilities month. Our citizens who need the most help, the most awareness, the most protected toon… and we can ignore them, they haven’t co-oped pretty rainbows.
And for the record.. Juneteenth will be next. It is already being commercialized the chagrined of many black community leaders.
Well, duh. Do you hate capitalism? For the merchants, it's always about the money. For the customers, it's about support for the cause. Are you one of those people who deplore commercialism, but revere capitalism? Because they're one and the same. Commercialism is just the practical application of the tenets of capitalism.
I don't have an agenda. And glad you said it. And once again, I've posted here long enough where you darn well know I'm not a "libbie" or a "con" for that matter.
This thread reminds me of this flag being waved at a Disney protest by a black man in waist length blonde dreads
Got it. You just want to accept without seeing emphasis on one’s private life. You would feel the same with flags for a heterosexual pride parade or anything similar. My assumption about Gay Pride Parades is that they are an outgrowth of gays no longer having to “hide” in the closet. I can understand the feeling of wanting to see more American flags before July 4, too. Not being gay, the pride flags don’t affect me one way or another. Same with other displays of pride in identity. But, I like that people are proud of who they are. Also, I am of the belief that the presence of a lot of product in store shelves reflects lack of sales or over-ordering product.
4 July synopsis? People shooting fire works 3 days out and 3 days past after midnight get under my skin. My dogs have to be sedated. I'm happy My meds work better than used too. I still get jumpy. The various iterations and designs of the pride stuff is creative. Pride parades celebrate them and I have no problem with it. Running around naked on foot or bikes? That's kinda where I draw the line; just on that particular behavior or message. As combat vet with 24 yrs active service, I get treated pretty good. There are 3 days dedicated to those who are serving, those who served and those who didn't make it home. I don't ask for discounts and feel kinda embarrassed when they ask. My response is silent; It's not why I served but thank you for the offer. Now if the Atlanta VA can tell me why they made me an video conference appointment, than cancelled it. Then followed up with a phone call telling me it's not cancelled.
Name a holiday that isn't driven by "Commercialization." New Year's, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are all heavily commercialized. And yet, we don't get threads on here complaining about the commercialization of Valentine's Day.
That meme makes no sense . Not only is there no mouthpiece in the instrument, the tuba "player" is not positioned correctly to be able to play it. Grade: D-
My opinion has nothing to do with Target selling pride flags. I’m stating my opinion from personal experience. I know 4 lesbian couples, 2 gay couples, and one single gay guy. Their opinion is somewhat in tune with mine. They don’t do parades and such. One gay couple is from Los Angeles. They hate the guy flames and in your face gay guy stuff. How do I know this? They told me. They especially don’t like the flames and think it hurts them by stereotyping gay guys. And I agree. Imo it’s everywhere and rather annoying to me and my wife and we don’t care what someone’s sexual preference is. When I hear about gay pride events I avoid them.
From my perspective, the pride movement has been a part of the progress made after so many years of people having to hide in the closet. Many people, however, believe that homosexual sex is inherently immoral/sinful, and I think they don’t want homosexuality to be promoted or perhaps even viewed as socially acceptable. You may not fall into this group, but I was kind of wondering if you have religious or moral objections here as opposed to just thinking that the issue gets too much attention relative to other issues.
My tendency to drone on sometimes needs to be curtailed Not set me off, but I did pick up on the tone and certain words stand out, of course...even 3 letter ones. Just my thoughts that I took some time to flesh out because you asked an honest question and it kind of made me realize that my earlier posts were too argumentative--another habit I need to curtail. Glad that you weren't insulted. Didn't mean to psychoanalyze lol.
Because it's an overcommercialized tradition that compels people to unnecessarily spend hard earned $$?
Is pride month now a national Holiday or is it set aside for awareness much like march is Developmental disabilities awareness month. I don’t care if it is commercialized… I just don’t like hypocrisy we see when these stores and corporations wave the rainbow flag for four weeks and then claim it’s about equal rights… yeah for that one month and that’s all.