In the last three pages you've admitted that you are uncomfortable with the movement, and wish gay stuff wasn't a part of our culture. And now you are getting on Mutz case basically accusing him of "not really knowing you." Dude, all we can do to determine who you are is read your posts. Now I don't know about confederate flag waiving red neck, or bigot, or whatever - but you've pretty clearly stated your positions on race, and now we have learned a bit more about your discomfort with gay culture. So if you want us to think something different, post something different?
It may not be more than an "observation," but it is a real attempt by Target an other stores to flood the population psyche visual space with homosexual flags and other gay crap on our National Independence Day.
Rich. I have shared a lot about myself but it’s funny that you’ve somehow forgotten those posts. Says a lot about you. My background is in helping people. All people. And I did it well. Spent many hours counseling Gays, blacks, poor, troubled and I’ve actually been apart of teams that prevent suicide. I have specific experience and education in these areas. You’re picking me apart for message board snippets. Ever wonder why you get to see one side of me more….hint it’s because I find white libbie holier than thou Schtick to be about as off putting as cleaning my septic without a mask. You guys aren’t better than anyone else. But to read your posts you’d think you’d share your home with every vagrant that walked the street.
You started the thread on the pettiest of complaints and complain about me responding. That's curious. By the way, maybe Target sold a lot more US flags than gay pride flags. Ever consider that? Is moaning about libs in your op your effort at finding a middle ground?
I know the history. Many moons ago I used to be one of those a$$holes. It’s become too much and causes some people to turn away from it and not in a good way. Gay overload is a real thing. I hear the comments way too often from people who are tired of it. Even eating filet every dinner gets old and I love a good filet. That’s my point. I think it hurts the cause more than it helps. My 2 cents Funny story. (At least to me) I am a humor kind of guy, jokester at heart. My wife and I had 2 gay friends when We lived in Town of Tioga which is west of Gainesville. They were my neighbors. Both lesbians of course. I kidded with them a lot. One Kentucky derby another neighbor had a watch party. Both are horse owners and love the races. After the derby we were all outside grilling, drinking, and having a good time. My friends were cozied up on a two person bench. I walked over and squeezed in between them. I looked at both smiled and told them “I think I’m a lesbian too, cause I love women”. I thought they were going to spit their drinks out. We laughed about that often until I moved away. A year later I ran into Jackie on the way to a Gator football game. We rode the bus together from Town of Tioga to the game and back. Guess what she brought up as we were catching up? The lesbian comment. She said her friends though it was hilarious and want to meet me and my wife.
This is a message board. We aren't "picking you apart". YOUR POSTS ARE WHO YOU ARE. Don't like it? Don't post, or post different. NO WHERE IN THIS THREAD DID ANYONE SAY THEY ARE BETTER THAN YOU.
I have many black friends... Jewish friends and gay friends.. I have nothing to feel bad about... I like all people, but I also know when it's time to come together as nation and the 4th or July is that time... I also don't know you... you seem like a decent person to me. But at the risk of sounding less than friendly, I have no reason to explain myself to anyone that seems to think that they have all the answers and that everyone else is to be judged though your own eyes... I call it as I see it, but ask for no friendship in return, and I ask for no acceptance from you in return either.
Screw that, I like all people... It's INDEPENDENCE DAY... not gay pride day. Have a nice life... ignore you time.
No one hates gays. I dislike the insane in your face marketing of the pride flag. I dislike the virtue signaling by large corporations like Target. I dislike half skirts on bathrooms. There are lots of gay people that cannot stand what is going on with these month long parades and crazy transgender stuff. There are gay people that have zero interest in flying the rainbow flag just like heterosexuals don't fly a flag.
Thanks, finally blessed to not have to read your nonsensical garbage spewing. From “I have gay friends” to “gay crap” in about 3 posts. Mr “I like everyone” As Cyndi Lauper said, “we see your true colors…..”
You come across self-righteous and condescending but you don’t seem to be aware of it. You found an entire nest of people who match that attitude here. No worries bud.
All I know is what you post here. That doesn't mean I know you. But by all written evidence, it appears you are suffering from some kind of victim complex... because you regularly accuse people of being condescending and self-righteous on this board when they disagree with you. What's funny, is I can make a pretty good case from your posting history that you in fact think that you are better than everyone on this board that doesn't agree with you. It's just that I don't suffer from a victim complex, so I don't really care to take the time to do that.
If the stores have gay merchandise, I have to think that they, being for-profit entities, are doing so based on the principles of capitalism. That is, to make money. If they end up with a lot of unsold merch, they won't stock it anymore.
Funny story. I get it. Pretty sure that many if not most straight people I know were that jerk at some point. Don't exclude myself from this either. You don't have to answer any of my questions since they're more @ rhetorical, but there's a lot of vagueness abounding, so I have to wonder out loud, what exactly was too much? To the op, it seemed a combination of Target daring to sell gay pride flags in the vicinity of American flags (despite gays not being responsible for what Target sells or not or where exactly in the store they place their products) and that there were more gay flags than American flags. Gays also not responsible for this either, but not once did the op consider the notion that maybe Target, a private retail co., selling American flags two days before July 4th, sold more Americans flags, which might be why there were more gay pride flags? But even if gays were responsible for Target selling gay pride flags, who cares and why does it matter?