I was making more of an observation than a true complaint. You didn’t see me acting like the world was ending because our country stands with gays and puts it everywhere. I think you can make that distinction. I wasn’t asking for the moon here. You guys won’t give a freaking inch. You know I’m right.
“there are more pride flags than US flags at Target” = observation “The gay stuff Is really getting overblown. Our country is not on the same page. Libbies are loving it. Sad.” = not an observation Just own what you said instead of playing victim and trying to parse it like a politician.
No we are running with the narrative that gays exist as do transgenders. Whether or not they deserve special dispensation over everyone else is the question on the board. Excuse me he/she is transgender. I need to treat this person different then anyone else in society. Not only do these people need protection (which they are already afforded) they need to be representative of society (which they are already afforded) and cannot be denied the constitutional rights (of which they are already afforded) of every American citizen.
Wow, just wake up feeling groggy or what? I am shooting straight. And this thread was inspired by my wife and her response to it all. It is clear that the pride merchandise is overflowing. It’s in most commercials. I hear about it from my friends and family all over the country. It’s everyone’s observation. It’s not a secret. You don’t agree. I’m sure you can guess what my surprised face looks like.
It’s more of a statement about where we are as a nation. Strange going inside target on 4th of July weekend and seeing more pride Merch. How is this a hot take?
Doubling down, eh. Now you blame the thread on your wife? I honestly don’t care how many pride flags are at Target. Never gave it a second thought. It’s their business to sell whatever they want, or stock whatever doesn’t sell they want. And before you ask, yes I would care how many confederate flags they carry because to me it’s a symbol of hate. So I’ll take that rhetorical ? Off the table for you. That it bothers you, oh, I’m sorry, bothers your wife, says more about you than Target or me. And it’s not “everyone’s observation”. Right now, it’s only your wife’s observation that you are generously sharing with us.
Strange take. The world is obviously changing and you don’t notice? I’m not sure that’s an honest post from you. You usually shoot straight.
I am shooting straight. The world is changing. A 10 year old Ohio rape victim had to leave her home and drive to Indiana last week for an abortion. That upsets me far more than how many Pride flags are in stock at a single Target store on a single day two days before Independence Day when most of the US flags have largely sold out and Pride month is over. And should you as well. Any one of our daughters, and granddaughters, sisters or nieces could have been that girl. I can’t imagine how difficult that was for her family. Did you ever think the Pride flags are still there because they actually DIDN’T sell, and the US flags did. So no, I’m not going to get upset about it and it has nothing to do with my love of country or respect for vets. It’s just a meaningless anecdote that you’re trying to politicize. BTW-I was in Alaska last week, one of the reddest states on the US. Pride flags everywhere we stopped and got off our boat, and in Seward and Anchorage where we based. I thought it was great and never equated it to a lack of patriotism. Because it’s not.
I think a great point was made about the timing of each month in accordance to sales. I learned something. It does not mean I can’t make a honest post about the values of our nation. And we can still be disappointed that a girl needed to travel to get an abortion. See, we can do all things together. Sans condescension.
Good to know. And perhaps if you don’t want condescension as a response, maybe don’t ask someone if they just woke up groggy?
I'm about to give y'all some ammunition to use against me at some time in the future but this story is too funny to ignore. Back in the early 90s Mrs51 totaled her Chevy Blazer. She said when we replaced it she wanted a compact car. We weren't looking for a new car at the time, a used car would be just fine. One day on the way home from work I saw the cutest little white Chevy Cavalier with this rainbow colored racing stripe and a rainbow decal in the rear window sitting on the side of the road with a for sale sign on it. I had never heard of Gay Pride at the time and had no idea what those colors meant. I bought that cute little car for her and we drove it for 2 years before one day I drove up to 7-11 to get a pack of cigarettes and somebody told me what the rainbow symbol meant....We sold that car a few weeks later. Wonder what my friends thought once everybody learned what the rainbow meant.