That's a hell of an achievement. Kudos to Gary Martin. I hope to see him in the Olympics someday. If I remember correctly (and I am an old fart), Jim Ryun was running on a cinder track in 1965, not a fast all-weather track. And shoe technology in 1965 was very poor. It's hard to compare runners from different eras, but Jim Ryun was and is one of the all-time greats. He went on to run a 3:51. I hope Gary Martin continues to work hard and have a great career. The article was a bit confusing though. It stated that Martin's time is the third best all time. That's not right. The world record is in the low 3:40s, and lots of people have run faster than 3:58. (Unfortunately, not me. They used to time me with a calendar.) I'd like to see a clarification on that.