To expand on the above, my understanding is that this was a no restriction bill. That it was THAT close with no restrictions does give me a sliver of hope that they can compromise. Again, viability - so 16-18 weeks to be safe, no limits for rape, incest, health, and leave birth control alone. I think NY is 20 weeks. Heck even Desantis' 15 week is manageable if it had the exceptions.
So 51 senators are on record as being in favor of stripping away rights from others. Good to know. When the rights of others are considered expendable, we have a problem on our hands. All fine and dandy until they come for you. There are plenty of other rights I'm sure they do not approve of as well.
The things that God does are often off-limits to us because we are not God. It is wrong for human beings to play God. God is God, not us. The one who initially wanted to ascend to God-like status was the devil. That is where your idea originated from. If you want to follow the one who originated that idea, then you'll end up at the same destination where he is going. Don't think you want to go there. God is the giver of life, so He can take life. And all men share in Adam's fallen sin nature, so all men must die. The Bible says that God has appointed the time of death for every man. That is God's prerogative because God is God and we are not. It does not mean that He approves of baby murder.
The things that God does are often off-limits to us because we are not God. It is wrong for human beings to play God. God is God, not us. The one who initially wanted to ascend to God-like status was the devil. That is where your idea originated from. If you want to follow the one who originated that idea, then you'll end up at the same destination where he is going. Don't think you want to go there.
"You can't justify behavior I think is wrong by saying God did it." "I can justify behavior you think is wrong by saying Jesus did it."
She's simply pointing out how hypocritical your stances are. It's actually amusing that somebody who thumps the Bible as much as you do suddenly forgets Jesus's teachings when it comes time to discuss programs that provide shelter, medical care, and sustenance to children.
You actually make a good point here. It is not sufficient to show that Jesus did it. I have to show that God has prescribed telling people that they are wrong. Here is another example: Peter early on in the book of Acts, in chapter 2, calls the Jews murderers for crucifying Jesus and tells them to repent and turn to Christ for the forgiveness of their sins. And many come to Christ as a result of Peter telling the Jews that they murdered Jesus. But that is just an example. 2 Timothy 2:25 is an example of a prescription. It says that Christians can correct non-believers with gentleness and respect.
Interesting I got an email yesterday from a regular reader who asked about something I had been mulling over too: If Roe v. Wade is overturned, can Indian tribes open abortion clinics of their own on tribal land? If they did, could they use them to attract patients from nearby states that have banned abortion? In other words, the casino model but for abortion Could Indian tribes become leading providers of abortion in conservative states? - Kevin Drum
It's complicated. States can have concurrent criminal jurisdiction. But it's dependent on some legalities.
I don't think there is enough financial incentive for the tribes given the likely backlash, not to mention the logistics
A dad half joking on TikTok: The gist of his video - he's in Alabama. Accent so heavy that guy's Southern as they come. Paraphrasing, he said he has a daughter, and so when they come to take her rights, her freedom, would he be able to contact the Canadian Embassy and apply for emergency asylum based on human rights violations. Think on that for a bit. That some Americans may seek asylum and help from other countries because folks want to go backwards 200 years.
For that matter, I can't recall a time where Jesus encouraged or even suggested that his followers leverage political power in his name, let alone pass laws in hopes of forcing others to conform to (what they believe) he would want.