No, it wasn’t. It was for his actions of making a half-million in contributions in the names of his partners without authorization and for tampering with a witness by hiring a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law who was testifying against him and recording the encounter and having the tape sent to his sister. Contrary to what you believe all wrongdoing is not the fault of the Clintons.
Let's be honest and let the people know who those contributions were to.....Democratic Politicians. Also it is no secret the Kushner's & Clinton's did business together and Jared's father and Bill & Hillary were good friends. Aren't righties allowed to "connect the dots" like Dems do?
Connecting dots requires some level of logical reasoning. You’re just making wild assumptions. Whether he had a relationship with them or not, that had nothing to do with his criminal acts. I detailed what they were in my last post. So, you made a false accusation and you got called on it. That’s really all there is to say about it.
Yep. And you didn’t read the Mueller report that said that the campaign knowingly accepted the aid of Russia and that Russia interfered with the election. Because your right wing media ecosystem ignored it.
That is a fight that was lost a long time ago. There was so much bogus info from democrats "connecting the dots" who knows what to believe anymore.
That's the Clinton's domain... But he could have just copied Hunter Biden for that money. All these relatives of elected officials, past and present, making money off of foreign governments is disgusting. And that includes Jared too for doing it... even though his father-in-law was no longer POTUS at the time. It's still wrong and should be illegal.
On the other hand this happened when his father-in-law was POTUS. Democrats probe Kushners’ billion-dollar rescue deal for family-owned skyscraper
Hunter Biden likely made 10s of millions of dollars trading on his last name while his Dad was out of government. Kushner, Ivanka and Mnuchin made billions selling God knows what to middle eastern countries while serving in the White House. If only the former matters to you, you have an invalid opinion on the subject of corruption.
Wouldn't it be nice if we had politicians where we were not having conversations about which ones are the more corrupt?
serving in the WH with top secret clearance that the sate department did not want to give him but Trump insist he receive. Whistleblower says Ivanka, Jared got security clearance over experts' advice | Reuters WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A White House whistleblower has said the Trump administration overruled security experts to give questionable security clearances to more than two dozen people, including the president’s daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner.
I heard something over the weekend that Jared and Ivanka are trying to convince Trump not to run again in '24. Likely because it will cause Jared to go back into his Father in Law's office and he'll will not be able to run this venture. Being in charge of a $2B fund pays a lot more than being a government employee.
Jared will just appoint Ivanka to run it. No problem...realistically I would think they were tired of being embarrassed by him, having to support/apologize for him.
I don't think that would fly with the Saudis seeing their opinion of women. I think there is something to that argument. Jared and Ivanka want to be back in polite society and having Trump back in office is not going to allow for that.
I'm waiting for the next shoe shoe to drop - it's Kushner's fault. White House stops asking Saudi Arabia to pump more oil to offset Biden's Russian-energy ban, report says, as US-Gulf relations hit new low
Did they wash Khashoggi's blood off the money before they gave it to him or did he accept it as is? Strange that the Saudi's seem to be willing to work with those that did what they could to bury that story and not with those that didn't.
Link is to an article on coastal Georgia not Saudi Arabia's policy with respect to increased production of petroleum. That being said, is it all that surprising that Saudi Arabia perceives that it's in the Kingdom's self interest to keep the price of oil high as well as to maintain a good relationship with Russia which shares the same interest with Saudi Arabia as well as the other oil-producing countries as far as the price of crude is concerned?
The Saudi's will serve their own interests as will the US. Do we all have blood on our hands? Absolutely.