Men won the doubles point, and got out to a nice start in singles. But Ole Miss has not gone away Shelton in a 3rd set Riffice in a 3rd set Vale in a 3rd set Andrade about to lose in staright sets, very disappointing Goodger won in 2 close sets Shelbayh with an impressive So it's 3-0, but all 3rd sets are on serve and Andrade is going down barring a miracle
Shelton blisters his serve game for the win Riffice got his break as well Wasn't exactly pretty, but a win is a win. Still perplexed by the struggles of Vale and Andrade playing this low in the order. Goodger hasn't quite been as solid this year either. Unvbelievably experienced guys, need them for a title run
Riffice and Vale both hold for wins 6-1 looks good, but the match was much more difficult than that score indicates. Not uncommon
Abedallah Shelbayh has won all his singles matches in straight sets, not losing more than 3 games. And he's a freshman. I'd like to see him in the lineup more often. On Amazon Prime there is a 4-part documentary titled Rafa Nadal Academy. Shelbayh is one of the tennis players that's showcased.
I'm sure they will keep working him in....but his results have generally been vs lesser comp. Guessing he is still behind fellow freshman Bonetto Goodger and Siimar have a ton of experience, both have seen it all. But both have been spotty this season. Grief seems to have dropped off the map a bit, always seems to have nagging issues so that may be a part of it.
Shelbayh is just now coming into his own. It takes every foreign player some time to adjust to college life in general, and the sport they compete in specifically. Aboud is on the verge of "blossoming" into the player alot of us felt he could be when he got here last August. You will see the lineup at five and six singles continue to change for many reasons. One is matchups, another is finding some match play for those on the fringes of our lineup, and another is to keep the opposition guessing.
I know injury talk is a little taboo....but is Grief full speed? I'm sure the emergence of Nate and Shelbayh has probably pushed him down the lineup a little, but we haven't seen him in a while.
He is full go at practice. He is one of the best at supporting everyone on the team. He misses alot of time with the severe high ankle sprain.