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Coronavirus in the United States - news and thoughts

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by GatorNorth, Feb 25, 2020.

  1. 96Gatorcise

    96Gatorcise Hurricane Hunter

    Aug 6, 2008
    Read and comprehend again. Hint: I wasn't calling mutz post dismissive, I was being dismissive of his post by rolling my eyes. Read the first sentence of his post.
  2. OklahomaGator

    OklahomaGator Jedi Administrator Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    My daughter is on her honeymoon in Italy and she told me this morning that they have to wear masks in public and have a vaccination card showing a vaccine in the last 9 months to go into a restaurant. Also, cloth masks are not acceptable and they have to wear medical masks.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  3. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    I'm glad you explained it. Instead of a hypocritical post, it's just a dumb post that lacks command of the basic English language. It is good we resolved that.
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  4. SeabudGator

    SeabudGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 23, 2014
    Let's take just one example: "coercion of making people take a new drug for a disease that may not be that dangerous to them." First, if our ICUs/ERs are filled, any further progress of the disease overwhelms our system. Innocent people die (including someone I know) because they cannot get surgery due to all the covid patients clogging hospitals. Second, those people still carry, infect and propagate the disease. I guess if they inadvertently kill folks, that is their right. I remember when those claiming to be conservatives believed in responsibility. Third, how is it determined if they are at risk? Age (kids/classmates with asthma?).

    You call Fauci evil based on bullshit that is not well thought out or based on data. Did America/Fauci make mistakes dealing with covid? Sure. But mostly because of the incessant noise of idiots creating turmoil and politicizing issues so that world and CDC health experts, who all gave the same advice as Fauci, were hard to hear. Evil? That is saying "I'm not taking a vaccine that hundreds of millions have safely taken because I'm at less risk and I say screw everybody else and they will take care of me in the hospital if I get sick." Your animus toward a guy who served our country's health under 6 different presidents says far more about you than him.
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  5. SeabudGator

    SeabudGator GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 23, 2014
    Settled miscommunication so post deleted.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2022
  6. slightlyskeptic

    slightlyskeptic All American

    May 13, 2021
    I actually deleted my post when I realized who exactly you were addressing. My mistake.
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  7. 96Gatorcise

    96Gatorcise Hurricane Hunter

    Aug 6, 2008
    It was quite easy to understand you just didn't just didn't get it.
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1
  8. gators81

    gators81 Premium Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    I got it and still think it was stupid.
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  9. tampagtr

    tampagtr VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Measured by excess deaths, the number is likely far greater
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    No. Using the media with one’s title to scare people is powerful propaganda. It has caused generational damage. Especially to the poor.

    fauci is evil. I wish I did not get there. But he has continually pushed bad policy using his title while ignoring science.
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  11. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    This is the common scare tactic using a false narrative. Only one time was a hospital system stressed to the absolute max. That was New York early on. And even with that we rightly sent a ship to help and built some other triage spots in the city. The ship barely saw any patients. Yes through the pandemic there were a few others communities that got heavily stressed. But not to the point some would have you believe. I want to say since omicron we had only one hit the National news as stressed at 100% and it was a rural hospital in Michigan with less than 100 beds.

    I am all for a community at the local level making decisions that are necessary. And there were a few times in a few communities that would have been a smart policy move for a community.

    But forcing people to take a drug while ignoring natural immunity is the antithesis of science and evil. Not just because it forces someone to take a drug agains their will in order to maintain their livelihood. But because it destroys the trust in the public health going forward. The damage done to good long term effective vaccines will be generational. All so fauci and the few in his ilk could force people to take a drug that did not stop people from getting and spreading the disease at all. Thankfully all the vaccinated people like the unvaccinated had/have the new therapeutics and treatments along with a less severe variant.

    The man is one of the worst people. His record speaks of itself.
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  12. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Of course, you are just lying.

    'No beds anywhere': As COVID wards expand, Louisiana's small hospitals have nowhere to turn
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  13. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009
  14. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    You said one system was ever stressed to the max. You lied. And now you are moving the goalposts to cover for it.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. QGator2414

    QGator2414 VIP Member

    Aug 24, 2009

    Yes…I used the one that has a ship sent and ended up not being needed as that. I acknowledged there were other communities heavily stressed. Hey Houston/LA/Miami we’re all heavily stressed at one point.

    I did not lie about anything.

    This is just your typical sad circle jerk to distract.

    Carry on….
    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Direct quote of you lying:

    Now you say that other systems were heavily stressed. That means that even you recognize that you were purposefully saying something untrue in that sentence, i.e., lying.

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  17. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    A few communities? Here's Phoenix. Here's Chicago. I could go on...

    And COVID is not the first time vaccine mandates have been instituted. Here's a good synopsis. In short, vaccine mandates have been around since the 19th century, and the Supreme Court upheld them in 1906.

    While you say the vaccine is a new drug, it's really not. It's an improvement on an old technique that is faster, and safer than prior vaccines. Before, scientists would inject thousands of chicken eggs with the virus they were looking to get a vaccine for in order for them to eventually isolate a variant of the virus that contained the right mRNA to trigger the human immune response, but at the same time, wasn't so virulent to cause serious illness. The new process? Much simpler, faster, and safer. Just isolate the needed mRNA strand, and use that to create a vaccine.

    Old vaccines run into issues that the new vaccines will never have. For example, a live, attenuated virus vaccine (old tech) can revert to virulence. The new vaccine? Impossible, because it isn't a full virus.

    Last, the vaccines work. I've often linked the state of WA data, but here's TX instead. Bottom line? Unvaccinated are 41X more likely to die from COVID, and there's an age adjusted graph in the link is a good visual representation.
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  18. pkaib01

    pkaib01 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    • Winner Winner x 2
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  19. gatorpa

    gatorpa GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 5, 2010
    East Coast of FL
    If you really are just trying to stop preventable Peds deaths your effort will do more with other areas than COVID with respect to Peds. I think this more about proving that you are right.

    I hardly think someone who has gotten their kids vaccinated and chooses not to spend hours trying to change someone's mind on a message board is selfish.
  20. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    I work from home, in front of my computer for hours a day, often waiting on someone else to finish something before I can do my work. The time I post here is very small, compared to everything else I do. And if you want to talk about other ways to prevent ped deaths, like ensuring kids are buckled in properly, to avoiding second hand smoke, to watching kids like hawks around water, I'm happy to talk about those too.

    The COVID vaccine is such a small investment of time, and no money. And the benefits far outweigh any risks. It's sad that the whole thing has been politized, and the death rates in deep red, Trump counties are twice as high as deep blue, Biden counties. And it's all tied back to vaccination rates. Unless you want to argue that deep red counties are filled with unhealthy, fat slobs, and those in blue counties are all health nuts?
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