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Coronavirus in the United States - news and thoughts

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by GatorNorth, Feb 25, 2020.

  1. ncargat1

    ncargat1 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 11, 2009
    Again, it is impossible to compare the UK and US in my opinion. School structure is totally different, mandatory 2x per week testing of all students and staff is in place across the UK as well. They have implemented overly aggressive tracing as a result and prior to the break were seeing massive number of students kept home as a result. The UK has taken 10x the steps that the US has to provide a safe, and even mask free education experience in some cases. Morons like DeSantis and the idiots in Texas and Duce-stain in Arizona for example, have ordered hundreds of thousand of kids herded into closed schools with no air ventilation, nor outdoor class possibilities and no masking, all in over crowded class room settings.

    Also, as I mentioned previously, UK should not be discussed as if it were homogeneously. Scotland and N Ireland have full mask mandates and a hybrid system of teaching in place. Only England and Wales have returned to 100% nearly pre-pandemic class schedules and behaviors, save the heavily staggered lunch plan and the use of class rooms for lunches as well to keep children separated.

    As far as RSV vs Covid deaths go, a simple antigen test can easily distinguish between the two, so it should not be that difficult to discern one from the other.
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  2. DoubleDown11

    DoubleDown11 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 12, 2007
    He's dead.

    So is this guy. He never tweeted again.

    Last edited: Aug 29, 2021
  3. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    These stories of deniers dying are heart breaking, but I am disgusted by the indifference some feel toward them. Do you shrug at every death from a bad decision? Mountain climber takes a bad risk? Guy in a hurry to get to work passes at the wrong time? The addict who cant get it right? AIDS victims?

    If you think you are better than them....

    ...its really disgusting.
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  4. slightlyskeptic

    slightlyskeptic All American

    May 13, 2021
    Yeah, I chalk it up to the internet. Although I'm sure that's the way many of those kind of people feel deep down, I can assure you they would never voice those opinions to the families of the people laying in the hospital beds. And as I've stated to the point of broken record level, it's just not true that all these un-vaccinated people dying are of one political persuasion. A large percentage are not who people think they are. So they're basically saying this kind of stuff about the people they always claim to champion. So they're both ignorant AND hypocritical.
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  5. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    It's just gross. Imagine thinking you can take a moral high ground while dancing on the grave of a childs father or a pregnant woman's husband.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  6. vaxcardinal

    vaxcardinal GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. 108

    108 Premium Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    • Winner Winner x 3
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  8. ncargat1

    ncargat1 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 11, 2009
    Meanwhile, this cluster-bump of a story is finally leaking out. This has been buried in a CDC MMWR for a couple of months, but finally the media has a hold of it. The NY Times story is better written, but this link was free.

    Unvaccinated, unmasked teacher spreads Covid-19 to students, CDC reports
    • Informative Informative x 4
  9. RIP

    RIP I like touchdowns Premium Member

    Feb 2, 2015
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. dangolegators

    dangolegators GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 26, 2007
    Well it's mainly about folks who actively urged others not to get vaccinated. It's different for folks who were minding their own business, didn't get vaccinated, and died of covid. I do feel for them. But the loudmouth anti vaxxers are doing a lot of harm. When they die of covid, the example they set by dying from covid might actually cause others to decide to get vaccinated. In any case, I shed no tears for them.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  11. antny1

    antny1 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 3, 2019
    Apparently a similar story in Jacksonville only a kid is actually in the hospital because of it. Unvaccinated teacher went to a party. Felt sick for two days but showed up to work unmasked anyway. Only then got tested and now multiple kids tested positive with one in the hospital. Pretty Damn shameful and inexcusable. This is from a coworker of the teacher who I know personally.

    What will it take for these people to put away the "99% recovered" statistic to acknowledge the randomness is what counts?
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  12. duchen

    duchen VIP Member

    Nov 25, 2017
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 1
  13. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    All fine and good, but some are borderline celebrating and on twitter they are throwing virtual parties.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  14. GameTime1

    GameTime1 GC Legend

    Jul 27, 2015
    I'm not sure indifference has anything to do with feelings of superiority.
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  15. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    Preaching from a moral high ground while posting about Karma and Darwinism with what in some cases is a snarky lack of caring over a father, husband and friend lost is a bit worse than just indifference.

    Regardless, Indifference to 4 children losing their father is in and of itself a less then steller quality though, doncha think?
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  16. docspor

    docspor GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 30, 2010
    I don't celebrate their deaths. I celebrate the lives that their deaths may save.
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 2
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  17. antny1

    antny1 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 3, 2019
    Had a 911 call last night. 3am. Shortness of breath call. Elderly person has fragmented speech, tri pod position, diaphoretic. Tachycardic with a history of COPD. For whatever reason hasn't had a nebulizer treatment for days but has multiple packs of cigarettes laying around.

    Should I laugh or mock his fate to him or his family because I'm frustrated at his irresponsible behavior? Of course not. Insert obese people, type 2 diabetics, etc etc

    Obviously their lack of medical responsibility isn't"contagious" but it does affect family, friends and society in other ways. You can be frustrated and yet not celebrate negative outcomes. Social media is a scourge and has emboldened people to not only be heartless but double down on it when called out.
    • Winner Winner x 4
  18. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

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  19. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    I'm sure their kids appreciate that.
    • Agree Agree x 2