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Outside the dugout: What's cooking?

Discussion in 'GatorGrowl's Diamond Gators' started by GatorLurker, Jul 28, 2016.

  1. GatorStu1

    GatorStu1 Sophomore

    May 9, 2015

    One of my old time favorites. My wife will make cheese grits, sunny side up eggs, biscuits and either bacon or sausage patties.................. Take the eggs and flip them into the grits, carve them up, little pepper and some butter...................... Man, that is some good chow.
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  2. 74nole

    74nole GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Marianna, Fl


    For sure, that’s good stuff. Honestly, we usually have cheese grits when we’re frying fish. For us the secret of good grits is 1) use regular grits, no instant (Dixie Lily or Jim Dandy) and 2) Add a shot of milk right when they start to bubble and turn’em down and cover (the milk takes the grainy taste away and makes them smooth.)

    LOL, I thought mixing your sunny side up or over easy eggs in your grits was the only way to eat them—You mean people do it different?;)

    Ms. Jan prefers bacon crumbled up in her grits I’m fine with patty sausage or bacon...or ham...or link sausage. And most definitely biscuits.
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  3. GatorStu1

    GatorStu1 Sophomore

    May 9, 2015

    Excellent post, too funny on the "only way to eat eggs and grits". My wife said she uses "heavy cream" (no idea what that even is) instead on milk. Then just at the end she will add shredded cheddar cheese to let it melt in. I liked Ms. Jan's idea of bacon crumbled in her grits, may have to try that one.

    My wife (Sande) also makes an awesome Shrimp & Grits using the same formula. It has become a tailgate favorite for Gator Football and family gatherings.
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  4. 74nole

    74nole GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Marianna, Fl

    Yep, I forgot to mention the Shrimp and Grits—Ms. Jan and Kayla both are big fans!
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  5. gatorfan5220

    gatorfan5220 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Lurker, epicures, gourmands and bon vivants pronounce it - Kabbaj.
  6. GatorLurker

    GatorLurker GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Tonight is green posole: chicken and tomatillos with serano peppers and roasted pepitas and of course hominy. It wouldn't be posole without hominy.

    Other stuff, too, like dried epazote. And things like cubed avocado and sliced radishes as toppings. I usually like to use thinly sliced romaine, but have a lot of iceberg to get rid of so that will be a topping as well.

    And my famous margaritas as the dinner beverage.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2021
  7. 74nole

    74nole GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Marianna, Fl
    @GatorStu1 you put us in the mood. We are having breakfast for supper tonight.

    We’ll have fried cubed steak, grits, fried eggs over-easy, and biscuits. Ms. Jan’s got us some of her freshly made strawberry freezer jam to go with the biscuits.

    Ice cold longnecks and chilled wine will preempt supper tonight on the back porch.

    Life is good in Gator Nation!
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  8. GatorStu1

    GatorStu1 Sophomore

    May 9, 2015

    Two questions?????????????????

    1)How far is it from Gainesville to your house??????

    2) How do you and Ms. Jan feel about uninvited quest for dinner??????
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. 74nole

    74nole GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Marianna, Fl

    LOL, it’s about 3 1/2 hours without any holdups, we are 69 miles west of Tallahassee. Company is always welcome here, come on!
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  10. GatorStu1

    GatorStu1 Sophomore

    May 9, 2015

    Thanks for the invite and right back at ya. You know Ms. Jan and Sande will kick our butts for offering these invites without letting them know. :ninja3::ninja3:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. 74nole

    74nole GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Marianna, Fl

    Naw, Ms. Jan’s always on board for good food, good friends, and a good time!
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  12. GatorLurker

    GatorLurker GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    How much over the limit is that?
    • Wish I would have said that Wish I would have said that x 1
  13. GatorLurker

    GatorLurker GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Firing up the KJ for smoked and thick pork chops.

    Brussels sprouts in a cream and shallot sauce with marjoram as a side.
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  14. GatorLurker

    GatorLurker GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    KJ started almost two hours ago and still not to temp so I have opened up things and will be checking every ten minutes or so. Cold rain might be the problem.

    And that might be the problem for a Gator baseball game tonight.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. 74nole

    74nole GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Marianna, Fl
    Simple and good here tonight. Grilling chicken wings with a cold tray for our side. Ball game/Ball Park fare, now if we can just get the weather to cooperate.

    Our back porch is completely covered so we don’t have to alter plans so much in wet weather—now wind sometimes is another story.

    Ice cold longnecks and chilled wine are available as you prefer one.

    Life is good in Gator Nation!
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  16. GatorLurker

    GatorLurker GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Tonight is leftover pozole and a salad.

    Tomorrow is burgers from the three pounds of chuck I ground old-school with a cast iron meat grinder. When fatty it is a real work out. The fat clogs the grinder. Only using two pounds for the burgers. The other pound is in the freezer in two half pound bags.

    Monday is polenta with kale, bacon, thyme and Shitake mushrooms.

    Tuesday is pasta Bolognese. Half a pound of the ground chuck used here. Quarter pound of ground pork as well.

    Wednesday might be take-out. LOL.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  17. 74nole

    74nole GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Marianna, Fl
    Tonight we’re continuing with an attempt at ballpark fare. I’m grilling wings with a cold tray for the side.

    Ice cold longnecks and chilled wine are available on the back porch. Series win just completed, going for the prized sweep this evening.

    Life is good in Gator Nation!
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  18. GatorLurker

    GatorLurker GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    For some reason salad was enough last night so still have left over green tomatillo chicken posole and the toppings. Maybe nor quite enough tequila for a round of four margaritas, though, and certainly not enough limes.

    If the rain holds off it will be burgers tonight. It doesn't look good right now. Rain is headed our way. One bad thing about a kamado grill like a BGE or a KJ is how long it takes to come up to temp. When I was grilling on a Weber kettle I could get that sucker going quickly by using a hair dryer on it. The ceramic cookers have a large amount of material to heat up so it isn't just about the coals. But they can maintain a temperature for a long time. That is what makes them so great. I should have bought one way earlier.

    Left over posole is the backup plan.
  19. 74nole

    74nole GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Marianna, Fl
    Tonight we are treated to Ms. Jan’s Sunday Pot Roast & Gravy. My smeller is ‘bout worn out from smelling that pot in the kitchen simmering on the stove top since about 11:00 AM.

    We will also have a fresh pot of pinkeye peas with snaps and pod okra.
    Ms. Jan will also make her fresh yeast rolls.

    The back porch will provide fresh air and the clean smells behind two days of thunderstorm rains. Ice cold longnecks and chilled wine will be available.

    Life is good in Gator Nation!
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  20. GatorLurker

    GatorLurker GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Yesterday I got the KJ started before the rain, but had to tend to the burgers in the rain.

    It was worth it.

    Ground chuck at home for some reason tastes better than ground chuck from Publix. Maybe being able to get just the right amount of fat in the grind is the key. Often the Publix ground chuck is too lean for a proper burger.

    Tonight is leftover green chicken posole.

    And Lady Gator volleyball on the radio. I don't get ESPNU.