Europe is getting absolutely annihilated right now with new infections. France with another day over 20,000 new cases. That would be like us having over 100,000 new cases in a day when adjusted for population.
We are over 50,000 new cases a day now, with major surges in the midwest. Wisconsin hospitals overrun. 20% positives in Iowa. And, states like Florida, where cases have been down, in the early weeks of reopening.
The second wave they have been concerned about. Cooler weather. Indoor recreation, eating, etc. Complaints at the French Open it was too cold.
Are hospitals overrun like NYC? Because Cuomo now says their hospitals were never overwhelmed.
from covid 19 tracking. so far for october the average tests per day is 983,000. the average new cases is 48,395. the average daily % is 4.85. the average overall positive % for the whole time is about 6.7%, so every day below that is good.the average daily deaths are 676,although weekends do screw that up some, so much better across the board than 6 weeks ago, again, more tests will equal more positives no matter what some think to believe, testing is up 20% from 6 weeks ago, yet the positive % is dropping, wonder why?
It sure feels like we are into a second wave here in the U.S. Majority of states are on the rise. The U.S. case graph reveals a steady increase for the past month. It's making its way into the NFL and college football teams. We're going to find out if the curve was flattened enough to keep hospitals from getting crushed.
Over 50K in daily cases. Haven't been there in 2 months. And, my suspicion is that college kids are not being tested to avoid the sanctions schools are imposing. Too many high exposure cases now than there were a couple of months ago.
Europe has a much larger population than the US (with or without Russia) yet has over 1.5 million fewer cases, and only slightly higher number of total deaths compared to the US. It's a bit of a cherry pick to switch to France even if there is a point to be made. Despite pop size differences mattering in terms of the effects of an increasing number/percentage of cases, the US has handled containment and death prevention worse than Europe as a whole and much worse than many individual European countries. If we are trying to determine how well countries are able to control the outbreak, counts are what matter, not a standardized rate of cases per x population.
Arizona had its first +1,000 case day in a month. There was also story that a local school bus driver died of COVID-19 yesterday in a district that went hybrid 6 weeks ago, and back to full classes 4 weeks ago. Hard to say how he contracted the virus, but one of the middle schools on his routes also just announced a few cases and is closing for a few days.
Very simple, number of tests per day, number of new cases per day, number of deaths per day, positive % for October. Positive % compared to 6 weeks ago, understand?
am sure it did not come the peacefull protesters, rioters and looters, must all be from pro-trump maskless gatherings.
But the French are smarter than us and they had it beaten. What happened? Failure of leadership? Seriously, they've gone from 350 new cases a day back in the summer to 20,000+ in a day. That's not a failure of leadership in France. It's what a virus does.
Passive aggressive snark. I find it reprehensible. As the third leading cause of death, you'll find covid to be the leading cause of death for many categories of the active work force. Particularly front line workers like law enforcement, doctors and EMTs.
Wow, did you study virology at the same place you studied meteorology? J/K - I know you haven't actually studied anything. Remember back when there were just a few cases here in the U.S. and your considered virological opinion about "what a virus does" was quite different? Everything from disappearing like a flash of lightning to out-of-control spread is what a virus does, and wrong every step of the way. And let me guess, Trump and Limbaugh are still vindicated in your eyes, aren't they?
What are so many on the right wing trying to accomplish by saying that masks don't help? Sinclair stations are set to air a monologue falsely claiming masks and lockdown precautions do not help slow the spread of COVID-19