Discussion in 'GC Hall of Fame' started by GatorGrowl, Sep 13, 2020.
Looking good on 3rd down...
Looks like Lane hasn't mowed the grass in a month.
Need 7
lets punch this thing in. Great drive.
Kyle Trask pass complete to Malik Davis for 9 yds to the Miss 6 for a 1ST down
Trevon needs to make that catch. VJ FS would have last year.
Trask will not be the limiting factor with this offense. He looks great and in command.
Touchdown Gators!!!
Kyle Trask run for 3 yds to the Miss 1
Yeah Buddy!!!
Great opening drive!
Kyle to Kyle love it
That was a tougher catch than Pitts made it look.
MR PITTS!!!!!!
Kyle to Kyle =Bread & butter
TD!!!!! Sweet