Welp. We've done such a poor job in the USA the NHL just announced it will play its season in Canada.
Here is an interesting map from a Harvard group that tracks cases consistently across the country. They rate the counties based on cases per 100,000 population. It is the first tracker I have seen that is covers the US by county and has a consistent metric. The Path to Zero: Key Metrics For COVID Suppression – Pandemics Explained
Arizona reported a record high with over 4,800 cases yesterday and 88 deaths! Now the deaths include previous day totals that were just confirmed as COVID, and the state will add the number to prior days, but the previous daily death total reported high was 45. Arizona enacted an emergency plan at hospitals that allow them to triage and rank patients that come in. Many hospitals in Phoenix and Tucson are out of regular ICU beds and are using other parts of the hospital that have been outfitted to handle COVID ICU patients.
my place of employment has now made it mandatory to wear masks at work. i work for USPS and am on the loading dock all day. we already have no air circulation out here, the a/c is horrible, 1 hour wearing the mask out here and my face is sweating like a pig, but i will wear it.
I work outside some days providing installation instructions to my contractors related to putting piping together. It does suck buck, my nose is always wanting to be scratched! (I have pets at home and sometimes I get "mask hair") - I hate that!! Glasses fog up, it's a bit unnatural, but its for a good cause. Hang in there!!
Off topic, but Mattis is an idiot. The military was being considered to combat the riots, something that is not a Constitutional right at all and has been done before in previous riots over the years. Trump would not have been the first to do this. Hopefully, not the last.
Sure, Mattis is an idiot. I am sure you are a nice person but that is possibly the silliest comment I have seen on these boards.
Sure, riots are completely constitutional and the U.S. military has never been used by previous presidents to quell riots. Trump is the first. A true pioneer. By the way, insulting me doesn't change how idiotic (and incorrect) the Mattis quote is.
I actually changed my comment to silliest, calling it dumb wasn’t nice on my part. The Mattis comment clearly states the “riot” in question. It was a peaceful protest in front of a church. Trump pissed on the first amendment for a photo op. Glad you are ok with that. If I am going to side with someone on this, it won’t be some dude on the internet. I have always had respect for Mattis as do almost all who serve or have served during the period he did.
It is beneath any general to opine on trivial photo ops by any president. Especially one whom he happily called his boss at one time.
Today was rough, I agree. Almost switched teams and joined the never maskers... this may sound like common sense and dumb advice, but don’t forget to hydrate. When I first had to wear the mask I wouldn’t think to take it off to drink because I didn’t want to over handle it. Bad idea...
Well, one difference between the flu and COVID is that asymptomatic flu patients don’t suffer lung damage. Scientists Seeing Lung Damage in Asymptomatic COVID-19 Patients