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Kavanaugh Hearing

Discussion in 'GC Hall of Fame' started by ursidman, Sep 4, 2018.

  1. Gatorrick22

    Gatorrick22 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 3, 2007
    Is there a any legal path to victory in the court of law if a plaintiff claims a crime but does not remember the where or when of an alleged crime?
  2. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    I'm not seeing how this is as significant as he hyped it up to be unless he has somebody ready to confirm it was the other guy. She's already said she hung out with Kavanaugh before that night and that they were "friendly acquaintances."
  3. GatorBen

    GatorBen Premium Member

    Apr 9, 2007
    May be that one of the other two she identified would confirm that.

    He seems to think (know?) there's something to the fact that Kavanaugh is denying it outright, while Judge and Smyth's statements have what could be read as more careful wording.

    Who knows, just happened to see it pop up on Whelan's feed and thought I'd share a link.

    Edit: I don't know that it's the slam dunk he implied unless someone confirmed that, but one of the more compelling parts of his argument is that none of the four other people identified as being at the party lived anywhere near the country club she said that the house was near. Common sense suggests that the resident of the house would likely have been in attendance at the house party (because generally you don't have a party at someone else's house when that person isn't there).
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2018
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  4. philobeddoe

    philobeddoe GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 11, 2007
    Well, this is interesting …. just a coincidence?

    Ford earned her doctorate in counseling psychology from USC and a master’s degree in epidemiology, specializing in biostatistics, from Stanford’s School of Medicine. Outside of academia, she does consulting for pharmaceutical firms, helping design clinical trials. According to her faculty biography in a course catalog, she worked as director of biostatistics for Corcept Therapeutics in Menlo Park.

    Kavanaugh accuser, a Palo Alto professor, is respected among academic colleagues


    And from the Corcept Therapeutics web site:

    Korlym® (mifepristone) 300 mg Tablets
    Korlym is a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist that is indicated to control hyperglycemia associated with Cushing's syndrome, a rare, debilitating endocrine disorder. Cushing's syndrome is caused by prolonged exposure to elevated levels of glucocorticoids (hypercortisolism). The potent metabolic effects of excess cortisol influence many tissues and body systems, and patients often have many problems, including diabetes, obesity, muscle wasting, depression, cognitive difficulties, and psychosis.
    Korlym was launched in April 2012, and was the first FDA-approved oral therapy for the treatment of patients with endogenous Cushing's syndrome.
    Additional information about Korlym for patients and prescribers is available on korlym.com.
    Indications and Usage
    Korlym (mifepristone) is a cortisol receptor blocker indicated to control hyperglycemia secondary to hypercortisolism in adult patients with endogenous Cushing's syndrome who have type 2 diabetes mellitus or glucose intolerance and have failed surgery or are not candidates for surgery.

    Important Limitations of Use
    Do not use for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus unrelated to endogenous Cushing's syndrome.

    Mifepristone is a potent antagonist of progesterone and cortisol via the progesterone and glucocorticoid (GR-II) receptors, respectively. The antiprogestational effects will result in the termination of pregnancy. Pregnancy must therefore be excluded before the initiation of treatment with Korlym and prevented during treatment and for one month after stopping treatment by the use of a non-hormonal medically acceptable method of contraception unless the patient has had a surgical sterilization, in which case no additional contraception is needed. Pregnancy must also be excluded if treatment is interrupted for more than 14 days in females of reproductive potential.



    Now … from wikipedia

    Mifepristone, also known as RU-486, is a medication typically used in combination with misoprostol, to bring about an abortion.[1] This combination is more than 95% effective during the first 50 days of pregnancy.[2] It is also effective in the second trimester of pregnancy.[2][3] Effectiveness should be verified two weeks after use.[1] It is taken by mouth.[1]

    Common side effects include abdominal pain, feeling tired, and vaginal bleeding.[1] Serious side effects may include heavy vaginal bleeding, bacterial infection, and a malformed baby if the pregnancy does not end. If used, appropriate follow up care needs to be available.[1][4] Mifepristone is an antiprogestogen and works by blocking the effects of progesterone and causing contractions of the uterus.[1]

    Cushing's syndrome[edit]
    See also: Cushing's syndrome
    Mifepristone is used for the medical treatment of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) caused by high cortisol levels in the blood (hypercortisolism) in adults with endogenous Cushing’s syndrome who have type 2 diabetes mellitus or glucose intolerance and have failed surgery or cannot have surgery.

    Mifepristone - Wikipedia


    And now from Diane Frankenstein:

    “Judge Kavanaugh’s views on women’s reproductive rights are crystal clear,” Sen. Feinstein told Yahoo News. “There aren’t any restrictions he would consider ‘too burdensome’ to violate Supreme Court precedent related to women’s reproductive freedom.” Those views came into especially stark relief when Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., defied protocol and released a confidential email from 2003 in which Kavanaugh wrote, “I am not sure that all legal scholars refer to Roe as the settled law of the land at the Supreme Court level since Court can always overrule its precedent.”

    But even without that email, Kavanaugh’s repeated allusions to Casey make clear what he truly believes. “He is showing us exactly what he believes,” abortion rights activist Erin Matson wrote on Twitter. For Kavanaugh, she said, Casey “is the key to blocking access to abortion.”

    Brett Kavanaugh wants to do away with legal abortion. He told us so.
    • Informative Informative x 1
    • Creative Creative x 1
  5. rajinGator

    rajinGator Moderator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Tomorrow Katz will announce Ford will testify Monday but will pull out at least minute with new demands.
  6. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    That would be hard for them to do. Smyth and Judge already claimed they have no knowledge or memory of the party in question. They'd have to change their story.

    Also, this underscores the importance of an INVESTIGATION. Weren't a bunch of people claiming that an investigation couldn't give us any details? How can you square that with Whelan? If he can find what he purports to be game-changing information, why couldn't real investigators?

    Finally, maybe the resident of the house was at the party, but she never met him or her or doesn't remember him/her. Or let's say it was the dude that Whelan is claiming. He's good friends with Judge. Maybe he was out that night but let Judge use his house since it was close to the pool where they were hanging out.

    Regardless, how would she mistake Kavanaugh, a person she knew, for somebody else? And is Whelan tacitly admitting that she's being honest about the assault? Because if he is, that means they have to answer that question.
  7. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    Also, Jake Tapper has a point here:

    I understand why Whelan did it, and it was probably necessary for his theory, but he just threw that guy under the bus in a major way. He (Whelan) is reportedly a good friend of Kavanaugh's. I hope Kavanaugh had no hand in it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. GatorBen

    GatorBen Premium Member

    Apr 9, 2007
    The other, somewhat less interesting twitter drop today, is the RNC Op Research account tweeting out audio of Ricki Seidman (the former Kennedy staffer who convinced Anita Hill to come forward, and who Politico revealed today is advising Dr. Ford) laying out a strategy for trying to defeat the Kavanaugh nomination in July:

    "Over the coming days and weeks there will be a strategy that will emerge, and I think it's possible that that strategy might ultimately defeat the nominee. And whether or not it ultimately defeats the nominee, it will, I think, help people understand why it's so important that they vote and the deeper principles that are involved in it. . . . One of the things that was pointed out last night was that of the 34 people who were the endorsers put out by the White House, the validators, that none of them were women. Not a single one of them were women. And I don't think that it is an accident that Kavanaugh spent so much time in his remarks talking about women, because that is a clear problem with his record."
  9. GatorBen

    GatorBen Premium Member

    Apr 9, 2007

    I tend to agree that I suspect (hope?) Whelan has more to it, but we shall see.
  10. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    The strategy was attacking him on Roe v. Wade.
  11. GatorBen

    GatorBen Premium Member

    Apr 9, 2007
    I think the point of that release was to counter the ridiculous suggestion that Ricki Seidman is not a Democratic operative, not to suggest that it's direct evidence that Seidman plotted this.
  12. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    There's no doubt that's what Seidman is. I'm not sure why that matters. Kavanaugh has spent the past few days holed up at the White House working on his narrative. It makes perfect sense for Dr. Blasey to work on her narrative with an experienced political operative. And it's not like conservatives are on Team Blasey right now. ;)
  13. BLING

    BLING GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 16, 2007
    Actual 1980's footage of Georgetown Prep house party.

    "Bart, Have you boofed yet"?

    • Funny Funny x 3
  14. GatorBen

    GatorBen Premium Member

    Apr 9, 2007
    Upon further review, assuming Whelan actually has an ace up his sleeve, what isn't mentioned in his tweets may give away what it is. In describing who was at the party, he notes as follows:

    "The 'four others' that she and her lawyer have identified are Kavanaugh, Mark Judge, P.J. Smyth, and a female classmate of Ford’s."

    Neither he, nor anyone else that I have seen, has to date publicly identified who the female classmate of Ford's who was supposedly in attendance is.

    Yet his map of houses identifies where that unidentified female classmate lived - which would seem to be rather difficult to do unless Ed Whelan knows (but has not said) who that female classmate is.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2018
    • Informative Informative x 1
  15. gtr2x

    gtr2x GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 21, 2007
    I think the lady would be crazy to testify before the Senate at this point without any third party investigation. It comes across as a he said/she said with no other testimony, which means it won't move the dial at all and fox will go out of their way to trash her rep. It's already begun.
  16. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    Okay, but he also claimed:
  17. GatorBen

    GatorBen Premium Member

    Apr 9, 2007
    Weird Whelan way of saying only that the female classmate has not spoken publicly?

    Because I'll be damned if I can figure out how Whelan knows where she lived in 1982 without first knowing who she is (which is a detail that no one else seems to know).
  18. gator_lawyer

    gator_lawyer VIP Member

    Oct 30, 2017
    I'm sure he knows whom she is. I don't know how he got the information. But I expect Dr. Blasey named her. I interpreted it as the woman being known but not making a statement. I guess we shall see.
  19. steveGator52

    steveGator52 GC Legend

    May 3, 2016
    DC Metro area
    She already preloaded her accusation by saying he was drunk at the time. If he says he didn’t do it, her response would be you were drunk so how do you know you didn’t do it. It’s similar to asking someone if they have stopped beating their wife, there is no good yes/no answer to the question.

    There is nothing he can say that can prove his innocence. If he was at home during that time, no Democrat would believe him, and even if she finally gave an actual date and time that it occurred, at this point in time it is unlikely he can provide any physical proof as to where he was.

    Does anyone still have receipts and remember exactly where they were at a given date and time 30 years ago?