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Kavanaugh Hearing

Discussion in 'GC Hall of Fame' started by ursidman, Sep 4, 2018.

  1. philobeddoe

    philobeddoe GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 11, 2007
    It's more than extremely probably that any investigation, today, by any entity will fail to answer any/all of your questions. The likelihood of getting any answers would have been much, much better some 36 years ago.

    Best to just drop the partisan positioning and move on.

    BTW, guess you could give a flip as to how this matter has impacted Kavanaugh and his family. They're just necessary ... no warranted …. collateral damage to liberals.

  2. OaktownGator

    OaktownGator Guardian of the GC Galaxy

    Apr 3, 2007
    Are you seriously describing that as sexual predation?

    He felt a boob of a girl who was passionately kissing him. And apologized for it and became friends with the girl. And wrote articles to try to encourage young men to behave better.

    Trump and Clinton forced themselves on women with no remorse. And Trump bragged about it.

    There's a world of difference here.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. citygator

    citygator VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
  4. Gator715

    Gator715 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 6, 2015
    That's issuing a conditional demand that takes a lengthy amount of time...

    As another poster said.... she's had 35 years...

    Waiting until the 11th hour puts her in no position to make such demands...

    The committee offered her a hearing on Monday... Frankly, if she doens't show up.... they have every right to move on... regardless of what you or any other obstructionist Democrat thinks...
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  5. mdgator05

    mdgator05 Premium Member

    Dec 9, 2010
    Probably would have been better to investigate 36 years ago. However, as we pointed out, it is not exactly odd that a 15 year old girl didn't report in the early 1980s. The more odd outcome would have actually been if she had reported. This was pretty standard. Me Too exists for a reason. Much of it was attempting to clear a backlog of unreported sexual assaults by women that were afraid to come forward because of how they were treated by the justice system, their families, their bosses, or society as a whole.

    Guess you could give a flip about the woman who may have been sexually assaulted. Collateral damage to conservative control of the judiciary. See how easy that is? The reality is that an investigation is the best and only way towards resolution for everybody involved. The current status of ambiguity is only best for those most interested in making sure that a Republican-nominated judge is on the court as soon as possible.
  6. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Where have I heard arguments that old sexual assault claims should have been reported in a more timely manner? I'm sure Bill Cosby and the Roman Catholic Church agree with you since they used similar arguments to defend against accusations of inappropriate sexual behavior. It's also seems to be a standard argument that an accuser in a case involving allegations of sexual assault involving a public figure is using the allegations for personal enrichment. You seem to be ignoring the fact that she will be subject to unrelenting attacks in the social media and likely threats to her physical safety which she may already be receiving and why she tried to remain anonymous, which seems to completely refute the argument that personal enrichment was factor in her decision to come forward.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2018
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. Gator715

    Gator715 GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 6, 2015
    That's not enough! They're sweeping this under the rug...

  8. philobeddoe

    philobeddoe GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 11, 2007
    Let's assume there are degrees of predation; an attack is a type of predation and assault is, I guess, a subset of types of attacks. If not, then let's say Booker assaulted her. I'm okay with that.

    My question is ….. can Booker be a viable candidate for anything, given the #metoo folks, etc?
  9. OaktownGator

    OaktownGator Guardian of the GC Galaxy

    Apr 3, 2007
    She did reportedly pass a lie detector test administered by a former FBI agent. Whatever he asked her about she is confident in.

    I don't doubt that she is pretty intimidated about having to face a Senate Panel. Almost everyone would be. Or should be.
  10. OaktownGator

    OaktownGator Guardian of the GC Galaxy

    Apr 3, 2007
    Good question.

    Probably depends on how they view his articles.

    Seemed to me he was trying to do a mea culpa and ask young men to respect women and behave better.

    From that POV, I would think they should like what he wrote, but I know some folks can get pretty militant and may not want to accept that.

    Also, I don't know if anything has come up in the past 26 years since those articles... if there are any other accusations against him, his words won't be accepted.

    He almost certainly gets a quicker pass from that group than a Pub would get. Pretty sure they would be more aligned to Dems even though quite a number of Dems have been caught up in this too.
  11. llm85

    llm85 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 1, 2011
    If this thread gets to page 136, I'm popping out.
  12. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    And why did she initially try to remain anonymous if her goal is personal enrichment through publicity?
    • Winner Winner x 1
  13. philobeddoe

    philobeddoe GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 11, 2007
    Why not. You can come out later. Adds suspense, intrigue.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 1
  14. AzCatFan

    AzCatFan GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 9, 2007
    Go ahead and check Dr. Ford's bank account. But start in 2012, since that's when she first admitted to being a victim of assault. And I'll ask this. How much money would it take for you to give up a comfortable, upper-middle class lifestyle in a highly desirable part of the country and trade it for being slut-shamed for actions you did when you were 15, being forced to temporarily move, having your name dragged through the mud, and receive death threats. I don't know about you, but the amount of money it would take for my family to undergo this would be very difficult to hide.

    And the reactions to her coming forward are the exact reasons why Dr. Ford preferred to stay anonymous and why up to 80% of all assaults go unreported. And this attitude needs to change. Just because Clinton's, Thomas', and now Trump's assault charges were handled in poor manner, doesn't excuse mishandling this accusation or further accusations. It's time to stop victim blaming those who claim assault, take them serious, and do proper investigations. And in this case, that means the FBI or an agreed to third-party should investigate to determine the credibility of Dr. Ford, Kavanaugh, Judge, and others who moved in their respective circles.

    As for Booker, it's a completely different situation. The girl made the first move by kissing him, and when Booker decided to take the next step, she stopped him. Booker tried again, got denied again, and then realized anything else he did would be crossing a line he didn't want to cross. So he stopped, and maintained a platonic relationship with the girl. Very different than what Dr. Ford alleges happens to her, which is an unwanted advance, a pin down on the bed and covering her mouth so others wouldn't hear her cry for help.
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  15. diehardgator1

    diehardgator1 VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Polygraph exam taken by Kavanaugh accuser Christine Ford comes under scrutiny

    One day after Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., raised concerns about the polygraph test taken by Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Ford, her attorney is refusing to comment on who paid for the examination or provide additional details on how it was conducted.

    And experts contacted by Fox News confirmed that while polygraph examinations can be useful, they are ultimately fallible tools that "can be beaten." Without mentioning any particular instances, one former senior FBI agent said polygraphs would have difficulty detecting deception by sociopaths, psychopaths and committed liars lacking a "conscience."

    Even well-intentioned individuals who have come to believe that their false stories are, in fact, true -- whether because of therapist-induced memories or other causes -- can sometimes pass polygraph tests, former FBI officials and psychology experts told Fox News.

    Ford provided The Washington Post the results of a polygraph examination conducted by a former FBI agent in August, which reportedly showed that she had been truthful in her allegations. According to the Post, Ford took the polygraph on the advice of her attorney, Debra Katz.

    Katz did not respond to numerous requests for comment by Fox News on Tuesday

    Polygraph exam taken by Kavanaugh accuser Christine Ford comes under scrutiny
  16. llm85

    llm85 GC Hall of Fame

    Sep 1, 2011
    Ohhh, good call. Finally, something legitimate for the FBI to investigate.
  17. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Ranks right up there with the logic that Obama's mother faked his birth in Hawaii even though he was born in Kenya because he might run for president one day.
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1
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  18. philobeddoe

    philobeddoe GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 11, 2007
    Why the presumption she's a sane, well adjusted person? She's a liberal academic in the field of psychology …. in the SF Bay area.

    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. philobeddoe

    philobeddoe GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 11, 2007
    Well, Ford did give a letter to a liberal politician…. instead of going to law enforcement. That's not too bright …. indicative of poor judgement if not something more significant. But, I know lefties believe she walks on water.
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  20. VAg8r1

    VAg8r1 GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    Sean Hannity and Fox News, great source. While the criticism of the polygraph taken alone may have some validity, when combined with Blasey Ford's statements from 2012, it is probably accurate and enhances her credibility. She is almost certainly telling the truth. In Kavanaugh's defense, he may have been so drunk that he really has no recollection of the details. Same with his friend Mark Judge. It may also have been a single incident and is not really reflective of the way he treated girls when he was in high school. That being said impairment resulting from voluntary intoxication isn't a defense in a case of sexual assault.
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