I hate those "we didn't really want him posts" but I did want Frost over Kelly. Not that Kelly isn't elite on the college level, but I just feel like he wants another crack at the NFL and I didn't think he would be in Gainesville for long. Frost on the otherhand could stick around for awhile.
Trill is about to owe a lot of people money since IIRC he said he would pay everyone in this thread $1 if Chip didnt come to Florida.
Winner take all game. Take whoever wins. SS could just stand in the endzone with a wheelbarrow full of cash.
Until we are told otherwise, I'm assuming CK, but perhaps Fuente is on the list? I have no problem admitting that I do not know.
I’m thinking Frost, if we don’t get Frost, then hire someone and think about who we will go after 3 years from now.