I bet that it would kill you to say anything good about UF. Granted, that's only based on your inane rantings on this thread. I've heard better from Dawgs and Noles than what you've been dishing out lately. I'm reminded of the emo crowd in my days at UF, hanging out in the shadowy fringes of the social scenes, muttering to each other that they wouldn't want to hang out with the "cool crowd" anyways.
He does look like him a bit now. Here is Mike rocking cornrows back in the day at Central Arkansas: This looks like someone that would try and sell me weed behind the stadium after the game.
Showing the UT vs UF rivalry and how that helped shape the SEC reputation....can you imagine UF in the East with Kelly/Spread vs AL in the West Saban/ semi traditional. SEC and TV Networks would LOVE to promote that matchup.
What a beautiful post! Since it's Thanksgiving, how about everyone providing a short list of what part of UF they're thankful for. I'm thankful for: Murphree Hall (even without A/C). Great professors: Denslow, Snowball (RIP) and Jesse Boyles. The old Gainesville Gym (also without A/C). The M&M Boys and our first NCAA tournament. The reign of SOS. 52-20. The '04's. All the non-revenue NCs (Soccer, Softball, Baseball, Gymnastics, T&Fs, Tennis). My two degrees from UF -- the basis of my career. Most of all: The lifetime friends I've made in my glorious 4 years at UF plus all the new alum friends I've made since.
I would hate to think that he's Urban's illegitimate son. It would be just our luck that we hire him as HC, then our rivals start demanding a paternity test.
Without hesitation no Strong. Taggart seems ok but I wanted coaches who have or have come close to beating Saban or the few up and comers.
This thread is really slowing down! I remember when we were averaging 1 post every 2 seconds! Everyone icing their thumbs for Sunday or what??