So CK would be coaching for free.According to 27 "The 49ers still owe Kelly millions of dollars in its buyout, with some estimates in the $60 million dollar range. The 49ers would still be on the hook in paying Kelly, minus what any new employer would pay him. " Essentially, whoever he makes would be deducted from his money he is getting from the 49ers so why would he care so much about what he's getting paid? In case he gets two buy outs? Doesn't seem like a strong enough incentive. I am wondering if maybe Frost for this reason alone is a better option? Give a man a monetary incentive and you will see his abilities rise.
That's interesting - are they on a migration back to the south? I've fished for them in the Keys and mostly in Boca Grande - always considered them on a March-May migration
My UCLA guy says Kelly's agent is definitely talking to someone connected with UCLA, but doubts Chip chooses them. He's an insider on a UCLA board, but has no direct contact with UCLA administration.